Detailed Description
- group TK_Status
Type Documentation
enum TK_Status
Codes which can be either passed to various toolkit functions, or indicate the result of a toolkit function call.
Various toolkit functions can take arguments which control processing behavior. Most functions also provide a return value of type TK_Status to indicate success, failure or other information about processing status.
enumerator TK_Normal
When used as input: read through to a ‘termination’ code. When used as output: function call succeeded
enumerator TK_Error
A return value; function call failed
enumerator TK_Pause
An input value; instructs toolkit to stop reading at a ‘pause’ code
enumerator TK_Single
An input value; instructs toolkit to stop reading after the first object is completed
enumerator TK_Pending
A return value; the toolkit is waiting for (needs) more data
enumerator TK_Revisit
A return value; interpret function succeeded, but we will run it through again later
enumerator TK_Complete
A return value; processing is complete
enumerator TK_Version
A return value; version mis-match detected, processing halted
enumerator TK_NotFound
A return value; failed to find a match
enumerator TK_Abort
A return value; non-fatal error. callback requested stop, or fall back to plan B (internal)
enumerator TK_LibraryNotFound
A return value; Indicates that an external dependency for reading a file (e.g. a material library) was required but not found.
enumerator TK_Normal