Detailed Description
Defines datatypes associated with the HConstantFrameRate class
Type Documentation
enum ConstFRType
Defines the various simplification types
enumerator ConstFRNoSimpType
No simplification.
enumerator ConstFRNoSimpAAType
No simplification. The scene is antialiased.
enumerator ConstFRWireframeBBoxType
Wireframe bounding box similfication type.
enumerator ConstFRWireframeType
Wireframe simplification type.
enumerator ConstFRLodClampType
LOD clamp type. All objects share the same detail level.
enumerator ConstFRLodThresholdType
LOD threshold type. LOD level for each individual object based on size on screen.
enumerator ConstFRUserType
Placeholder type.
enumerator ConstFRExtentType
Maximum extent simplification type.
enumerator ConstFRNoSimpType
enum HActivityType
Defines the type of user interaction in the scene. This affects the constant frame rate logic.
enumerator NoActivity
Indicates no activity that would affect the constant framerate logic.
enumerator MovementActivity
Indicates movement activity in the scene.
enumerator CuttingPlaneActivity
Indicates that a cutting plane is being manipulated.
enumerator GeneralActivity
Indicates that some activity is occuring that isn’t movement or cutting plane related.
enumerator NoActivity
enum DetailChangeMode
Detail change types which specify how changes in framerate are handled.
enumerator NoDetailChange
No detail level change.
enumerator AllowDetailChangeOnce
Only one detail change is allowed.
enumerator AllowDetailChange
Detail change is allowed based on target framerate.
enumerator NoDetailChange