Service Pack 25.20

Library compatibility information

Library name Version Windows Linux OS X Notes
DGN Direct 4.2 supported unsupported unsupported  
HOOPS Communicator 2019 SP2 U1 supported unsupported unsupported  
HOOPS Exchange 2021 supported supported unsupported  
HOOPS Publish 2021 supported supported unsupported Requires support for SSSE3 instruction set.
.NET Framework 4.0 supported unsupported unsupported v4.5 required for wpf_image v4.5 required for WPF over Remote Desktop
Parasolid 32.0.x supported supported unsupported  
Qt 5.6 supported supported unsupported OSX requires Qt 5.4
RealDWG 2019 supported unsupported unsupported RealDWG 2019 is compatible with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 and Visual Studio 2017 Update 2
SketchUp 2019.2 supported unsupported unsupported 64-bit Windows only


PBR on mobile platforms. Physically Based Rendering is now supported on mobile platforms, enabling application developers to provide enhanced rendering realism across all of their deployment platforms. Note that GLTF data is not currently supported on mobile platforms when loaded by HOOPS Exchange, therefore, PBR material data will have to be loaded through other mechanisms such as the HSF format.

PBR on mobile platforms. Physically Based Rendering is now supported on mobile platforms, enabling application developers to provide enhanced rendering realism across all of their deployment platforms.

HOOPS Exchange. HOOPS Visualize now works with HOOPS Exchange 2021.

HOOPS Publish. HOOPS Visualize now works with HOOPS Publish 2021.

HOOPS Communicator. HOOPS Visualize now works with HOOPS Communicator 2019 SP2 U1.