
Detailed Description

Defines the HImManager class along with macros for registering, setting and unsetting callbacks

Macro Definition

HImRegisterCallback(callback_name, callback_function)

This method associates a name with a function pointer.

HImSetCallback(callback_type, callback_name)

This method associates a callback type with a registered callback function name in the currently open segment.

HImSetCallbackByKey(segment_key, callback_type, callback_name)

This method associates a callback type with a registered callback function name in the segment specified by segment_key.


This method removes a callback assocation in the currently open segment.

HImUnSetOneCallbackByKey(segment_key, callback_type)

This method removes the callback assocation in a segment specified by segment_key.

HImShowCallback(callback_name, callback_type)

This method writes the name of the callback_type assocation into the callback_name in the currently open segment.