Macro Definitions
Type Aliases
int |
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string, CaseInsensitiveStringHash , CaseInsensitiveStringEqual > |
VArray< HPublishExchangeView * > |
std::vector< A3DDouble > |
std::vector< A3DUns32 > |
std::vector< Polyline > |
std::vector< Polygon > |
std::vector< HPoint > |
std::vector< String > |
std::vector< TextAttributes > |
std::vector< Entity > |
std::vector< A3DUTF8Char * > |
std::vector< std::string > |
std::vector< HPoint > |
std::vector< int > |
std::vector< float > |
std::vector< RGBColor > |
std::vector< RGBAColor > |
std::vector< char > |
std::vector< A3DUns8 > |
std::vector< HC_KEY > |
std::vector< Vector > |
std::unordered_map< A3DUns32, IntArray > |
std::unordered_map< A3DEntity *, A3DUns32 > |
std::unordered_map< HC_KEY, int > |
std::vector< TranslationInfo > |
std::unordered_map< HC_KEY, A3DUns32 > |
std::pair< std::string, HC_KEY > |
std::unordered_map< TextureSourcePair, A3DUns32, TextureSourcePairHash > |
VHash< A3DAsmProductOccurrence *, HC_KEY > |
VArray< char const * > |
void |
void |
void |
Detailed Description
Macro Definition
Type Documentation
Type Alias Documentation
typedef int BOOL
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string, CaseInsensitiveStringHash, CaseInsensitiveStringEqual> StringStringHash
typedef VArray<HPublishExchangeView*> HPEViewsArray
typedef std::vector<PMI::TextAttributes> PMITextAttributesArray
using hio_html_internal::IntArray = std::vector<int>
using hio_html_internal::FloatArray = std::vector<float>
using hio_html_internal::RGBColorArray = std::vector<RGBColor>
using hio_html_internal::RGBAColorArray = std::vector<RGBAColor>
using hio_html_internal::KeyArray = std::vector<HC_KEY>
using hio_html_internal::VectorArray = std::vector<Vector>
typedef std::vector<TranslationInfo> TranslationInfoArray
typedef std::unordered_map<TextureSourcePair, A3DUns32, TextureSourcePairHash> TextureSourceHash
typedef VHash<A3DAsmProductOccurrence*, HC_KEY> POccurrenceKeyHash
using hio_html_internal::StringArray = std::vector<std::string>
Function Documentation
doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “operator*” with arguments None in doxygen xml output for project “mvo” from directory: /home/jenkins-sa/jenkins/workspace/hps/hoops_3df/documentation/build/html/../doxygen/mvo/xml. Potential matches:
- HPoint const operator*(float const rhs) const
- HQuat operator*(HQuat const &q2) const
- HQuat operator*(float v) const
- HQuat operator*(float v, HQuat const &q)
- RGBColor operator*(float t) const
- Vector const operator*(float s) const
- Vector const operator*(float s) const
- Vector operator*(float s, Vector const &v)
- Vector operator*(float s, Vector const &v)
doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “quote_encoded_text” with arguments None in doxygen xml output for project “mvo” from directory: /home/jenkins-sa/jenkins/workspace/hps/hoops_3df/documentation/build/html/../doxygen/mvo/xml. Potential matches:
- void quote_encoded_text(char const *encoded_text, char *out_quoted_encoded_text)
- void quote_encoded_text(utf8_char const *encoded_text, char *out_quoted_encoded_text)
doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “quote_encoded_text” with arguments None in doxygen xml output for project “mvo” from directory: /home/jenkins-sa/jenkins/workspace/hps/hoops_3df/documentation/build/html/../doxygen/mvo/xml. Potential matches:
- void quote_encoded_text(char const *encoded_text, char *out_quoted_encoded_text)
- void quote_encoded_text(utf8_char const *encoded_text, char *out_quoted_encoded_text)
void parseGraphicsData(A3DEntity const *ph3dx_entity, A3DUns32 *puiLayerIndex, A3DUns32 *puiStyleIndex, A3DUns16 *pusBehaviour)