
Detailed Description

class HTK_Named : public TK_Named

Provides HOOPS/3dGS-specific handling of the TKE_Marker_Symbol, TKE_Line_Pattern, and TKE_Edge_Pattern opcodes.

TKE_Marker_Symbol, TKE_Line_Pattern, and TKE_Edge_Pattern opcode objects represent either a string, or an enumeration of a preselected set of values.

Public Functions

inline HTK_Named(unsigned char opcode)


virtual TK_Status Execute(BStreamFileToolkit &tk)

Processes the binary data that has been read for the current object, which involves passing the data to application-specific data structures.

Parameters:tk – A reference to the BStreamFileToolkit object.
Returns:The result of the function call.
TK_Status Interpret(BStreamFileToolkit &tk, ID_Key key = -1, int variant = 0)
inline TK_Status Interpret(BStreamFileToolkit &tk, ID_Key key, char const *special)
virtual TK_Status Clone(BStreamFileToolkit &tk, BBaseOpcodeHandler **handler) const

Copies the opcode handler

  • tk – A reference to the BStreamFileToolkit object.
  • handler – A pointer to the opcode handler object. Passed by reference.

The result of the function call.