
Detailed Description

class TK_Text_Font : public BBaseOpcodeHandler

Handles the TKE_Text_Font opcode.

TK_Text_Font provides support for writing/reading the TKE_Text_Font opcode object to/from an HSF file.

The HOOPS/3dGS scene-graph supports various text attributes. Text_Font contains information about the font, including name, size, size units, spacing, spacing units, tolerance, tolerance units, slant, transforms, rotation and width scaling.

Subclassed by HTK_Text_Font

Public Functions

inline TK_Text_Font()


virtual TK_Status Read(BStreamFileToolkit &tk)

Reads data from the toolkit buffer, decodes/decompresses it, and maps it to the opcode handlers data members. User-defined classes which need to write out custom data should utilize one of the available GetData() methods.

Parameters:tk – A reference to the BStreamFileToolkit object.
Returns:The result of the function call.
virtual TK_Status Write(BStreamFileToolkit &tk)

Encodes/compresses data and writes data to the toolkit buffer. User-defined classes which need to write out custom data should utilize one of the available PutData() methods, and first write out the opcode associated with the group of binary data followed by the data itself.

Parameters:tk – A reference to the BStreamFileToolkit object.
Returns:The result of the function call.
virtual TK_Status Clone(BStreamFileToolkit &tk, BBaseOpcodeHandler **handler) const

Copies the opcode handler

  • tk – A reference to the BStreamFileToolkit object.
  • handler – A pointer to the opcode handler object. Passed by reference.

The result of the function call.

TK_Status ReadAscii(BStreamFileToolkit &tk)


TK_Status WriteAscii(BStreamFileToolkit &tk)


virtual void Reset()

Resets the current opcode handler. This is called by the toolkit when it is done processing an opcode. This method reinitializes any opcode handler variables and frees up temporary data.

inline void SetMask(int m)

Sets the mask indicating which font options are specified. Options are defined in TKO_Font_Options.

inline int GetMask() const

Returns the mask indicating which font options are specified. Options are defined in TKO_Font_Options.

inline void SetValue(int v)

Sets the mask indicating which font options are on/active. Options are defined in TKO_Font_Options.

inline int GetValue() const

Returns the mask indicating which font options are on/active. Options are defined in TKO_Font_Options.

inline void SetNames(char const *names)

Sets the font names. Allocates the buffer and copies the names string

inline void SetNames(int length)

Sets the font names buffer. Allocates a buffer large enough to hold a string of ‘length’ characters

inline char const *GetNames() const

Returns the font names string

inline char *GetNames()

Returns the font names string buffer, which may be modified directly

void SetShape(char const *shape)

Sets the font background shape. Allocates the buffer and copies the shape string

void SetShape(int length)

Sets the font background shape buffer. Allocates a buffer large enough to hold a string of ‘length’ characters

inline char const *GetShape() const

Returns the font background shape string

inline char *GetShape()

Returns the font background shape string buffer, which may be modified directly

void SetStyle(char const *shape)

Sets the font background/leader style. Allocates the buffer and copies the shape string

void SetStyle(int length)

Sets the font background/leader style buffer. Allocates a buffer large enough to hold a string of ‘length’ characters

inline char const *GetStyle() const

Returns the font background/leader style string

inline char *GetStyle()

Returns the font background/leader style string buffer, which may be modified directly

inline void SetSize(float s)

Sets the text size

inline float GetSize() const

Returns the text size

inline void SetSizeUnits(int u)

Sets the units used to interpret the size. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline int GetSizeUnits() const

Returns the units used to interpret the size. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline void SetTolerance(float t)

Sets the text size tolerance

inline float GetTolerance() const

Returns the text size tolerance

inline void SetToleranceUnits(int u)

Sets the units used to interpret the size tolerance. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline int GetToleranceUnits() const

Returns the units used to interpret the size tolerance. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline void SetRotation(float r)

Sets the rotation angle of characters

inline float GetRotation() const

Returns the rotation angle of characters

inline void SetSlant(float s)

Sets the slant factor applied to characters

inline float GetSlant() const

Returns the slant factor applied to characters

inline void SetWidthScale(float s)

Sets the horizontal scaling applied to characters

inline float GetWidthScale() const

Returns the horizontal scaling applied to characters

inline void SetExtraSpace(float s)

Sets the amount of extra space inserted between characters

inline float GetExtraSpace() const

Returns the amount of extra space inserted between characters

inline void SetExtraSpaceUnits(int u)

Sets the units used to interpret the extra space. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline int GetExtraSpaceUnits() const

Returns the units used to interpret the extra space. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline void SetLineSpacing(float s)

Sets the spacing between lines of multi-line strings

inline float GetLineSpacing() const

Returns the spacing between lines of multi-line strings

inline void SetTransforms(int t)

Sets how the string is affected by any modeling transforms. Transforms are defined in TKO_Font_Transforms.

inline int GetTransforms() const

Returns how the string is affected by any modeling transforms. Transforms are defined in TKO_Font_Transforms.

inline void SetGreekingLimit(float s)

Sets the limit below which text drawing will be “greeked” (not drawn or drawn as simple geometry)

inline float GetGreekingLimit() const

Returns the greeking limit

inline void SetGreekingLimitUnits(int u)

Sets the units used to interpret the greeking limit. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline int GetGreekingLimitUnits() const

Returns the units used to interpret the greeking limit. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline void SetGreekingMode(int m)

Sets the method used for handling greeked text.

inline int GetGreekingMode() const

Returns the method used for handling greeked text.

inline void SetRenderer(int r)

Sets which types of fonts may be used. Renderers are defined in TKO_Font_Renderers.

inline int GetRenderer() const

Returns which types of fonts may be used. Renderers are defined in TKO_Font_Renderers.

inline void SetRenderers(int r1, int r2)

Sets which types of fonts may be used. Renderers are defined in TKO_Font_Renderers.

inline int const *GetRenderers() const

Returns which types of fonts may be used. Renderers are defined in TKO_Font_Renderers.

inline void SetRendererCutoff(float s)

Sets the limit below which text drawing will use the “lower” renderer

inline float GetRendererCutoff() const

Returns the renderer cutoff limit

inline void SetRendererCutoffUnits(int u)

Sets the units used to interpret the renderer cutoff. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline int GetRendererCutoffUnits() const

Returns the units used to interpret the renderer cutoff. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline void SetPreference(int r)

Sets which drawing modes may be used. Preferences are defined in TKO_Font_Preferences.

inline int GetPreference() const

Returns which types of fonts may be used. Preferences are defined in TKO_Font_Preferences.

inline void SetPreferences(int r1, int r2)

Sets which drawing modes may be used. Preferences are defined in TKO_Font_Preferences.

inline int const *GetPreferences() const

Returns which types of fonts may be used. Preferences are defined in TKO_Font_Preferences.

inline void SetPreferenceCutoff(float s)

Sets the limit below which text drawing will use the “lower” preference

inline float GetPreferenceCutoff() const

Returns the preference cutoff limit

inline void SetPreferenceCutoffUnits(int u)

Sets the units used to interpret the preference cutoff. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline int GetPreferenceCutoffUnits() const

Returns the units used to interpret the preference cutoff. Units are defined in #TKO_Font_Size_Units.

inline void SetLayout(int l)

Sets the layout. Layouts are defined in TKO_Font_Layout.

inline int GetLayout() const

Returns the layout. Layouts are defined in TKO_Font_Layout.