
Detailed Description

class HTessellationSettings

Specifies the settings of tessellation in Import.

Public Types

enum HTessellationLOD


enumerator TessLODExtraLow

Extra Low level: when selected, these members are automatically defined with the following values: ChordHeightRatio = 50, AngleToleranceDeg = 40.

enumerator TessLODLow

Low level: when selected, these members are automatically defined with the following values: ChordHeightRatio = 600, AngleToleranceDeg = 40.

enumerator TessLODMedium

Medium level: when selected, these members are automatically defined with the following values: ChordHeightRatio = 2000, AngleToleranceDeg = 40.

enumerator TessLODHigh

High level: when selected, these members are automatically defined with the following values: ChordHeightRatio = 5000, AngleToleranceDeg = 30.

enumerator TessLODExtraHigh

Extra High level: when selected, these members are automatically defined with the following values: ChordHeightRatio = 10000, AngleToleranceDeg = 20.

enumerator TessLODUserDefined

User Defined level: when selected, these members should be defined: m_dChordHeightRatio if m_bUseHeightInsteadOfRatio is set to false, m_dMaxChordHeight if m_bUseHeightInsteadOfRatio is set to true, m_dAngleToleranceDeg. Be very careful when using m_dMaxChordHeight because a too small value would generate a huge tessellation.

enumerator TessLODControlledPrecision

Controlled Precision level: when selected, these members should be defined: m_dAngleToleranceDeg, m_dMaxChordHeight, deprecated_m_dMinimalTriangleAngleDeg.


This is a deprecated feature.

Public Functions

inline HTessellationSettings()

Public Members

HTessellationLOD m_TessLod
double m_dChordHeightRatio

Specifies the ratio of the diagonal length of the bounding box to the chord height. A value of 50 means that the diagonal of the bounding box is 50 times greater than the chord height. Values can range from 50 to 10,000. Higher values will generate more accurate tessellation.

double m_dAngleToleranceDeg

Specifies the maximum angle between two contiguous tessellation segments describing the curve of a topological edge for every face.

During tessellation, the curve describing the edge of a topological face will be approximated using straight line segments. m_dAngleToleranceDeg is the maximum angle between two consecutive segments.

Allowable values range from 10 to 40. Lower values will result in greater accuracy.

double deprecated_m_dMinimalTriangleAngleDeg

Specifies the angle between two contiguous segments of wire edges for every face. Allowable values range from 10 through 30.


This is deprecated and will be removed in version 31.1

double m_dMaxChordHeight

Specifies the maximum distance between the original geometric surface specified in the CAD file and the resulting tessellation. Be careful, very small values can generate very large tessellation files.

Conversely, very large values can generate inaccurate tessellation. In such cases, it may be better to use the

m_dChordHeightRatio member to scale this value relative to the object that’s being tessellated.


m_dMaxChordHeight is ignored if m_bUseHeightInsteadOfRatio isn’t set to true.

bool m_bAccurateTessellation

Accurate tessellation. Uses standard parameters. ‘false’ indicates the tessellation is set for visualization. Setting this value to ‘true’ will generate tessellation more suited for analysis. Can be used with all TessellationLevelOfDetails.

bool m_bDoNotComputeNormalsInAccurateTessellation

Do not compute surface normals in accurate tessellation.

bool m_bAccurateTessellationWithGrid

Enable accurate tessellation with faces inner points on a grid.

double m_dAccurateTessellationWithGridMaximumStitchLength

Maximal grid stitch length. Disabled if value is 0. Be careful, a too small value can generate a huge tessellation.

bool m_bKeepUVPoints

Keep parametric points as texture points.

bool m_bUseHeightInsteadOfRatio

Use m_dMaxChordHeight instead of m_dChordHeightRatio if m_eTessellationLevelOfDetail = kA3DTessLODUserDefined.

double m_dMaximalTriangleEdgeLength

Maximal length of the edges of triangles. Disabled if value is 0. Be careful, a too small value can generate a huge tessellation.