
Detailed Description

class HIOUtilityIV : public HInputHandler

The HIOUtilityIV is used for reading Open Inventor (.iv) files.

Public Functions

inline HIOUtilityIV()

Constructs an HIOUtilityIV object.

inline virtual ~HIOUtilityIV()
inline virtual void RegisterInputHandlerTypes()

This method registers the “iv” extension to this handler.

inline virtual char const *GetInputName()
Returns:A character pointer denoting the name of the handler.
inline virtual char const *GetInputTypesString()
Returns:The string of the type of input this handler creates which is “iv”.
inline virtual HInputHandlerStyle GetInputStyle()
Returns:The type of input style which is HInputHandlerStyleModel.
virtual HFileIOResult FileInputByKey(__wchar_t const *FileName, HC_KEY key, HInputHandlerOptions *options)

This method reads the .iv file ‘filename’ into the segment tree underneath the given key.

  • filename – The name of the file to load.
  • key – The HOOPS segment key to load model data into.
  • options – An options class containing any needed extra information for operation.

The #HFileInputResult result of the input operation.

inline virtual HFileIOResult FileInputByKey(char const *FileName, HC_KEY key, HInputHandlerOptions *options)

This method loads model data from a given file to a given HOOPS segment key. Note that this must be implemented in a subclassed HInputHandler instance handling models.

  • filename – The name of the file to load.
  • key – The HOOPS segment key to load model data into.
  • options – An options class containing any needed extra information for the operation.

The #HFileInputResult result of the input operation.

inline virtual HFileIOResult FileInputByKey(unsigned short const *FileName, HC_KEY key, HInputHandlerOptions *options)

This method loads model data from a given file to a given HOOPS segment key. Note that this must be implemented in a subclassed HInputHandler instance handling models.

  • filename – The UNICODE name of the file to load.
  • key – The HOOPS segment key to load model data into.
  • options – An options class containing any needed extra information for the operation.

The #HFileInputResult result of the input operation.