Detailed Description
: public HInputHandler, public HOutputHandler The HIOUtilityPly is used for reading PLY files.
Public Functions
() Constructs an HIOUtilityPly object.
inline virtual
inline virtual char const *
() Returns: A character pointer denoting the name of the handler.
inline virtual char const *
() Returns: A character pointer denoting the name of the input handler.
inline virtual void
() This method registers the “ply” extension to this handler as an input handler.
inline virtual void
() This method registers the “ply” extension to this handler as an output handler.
inline virtual char const *
() Returns: The input extension type that is handled by HIOUtilityPly which is “ply”.
inline virtual char const *
() Returns: The string of the type of output this handler creates which is “ply”.
inline virtual HInputHandlerStyle
() Returns: The type of input style which is HInputHandlerStyleModel.
inline virtual HOutputHandlerStyle
() Returns: The type of output style which is HOutputHandlerStyleModel.
virtual HFileIOResult
(__wchar_t const *FileName, HC_KEY key, HInputHandlerOptions *options) This method reads a ply file which is commonly used in academic research. The file contents are mapped to a HOOPS shell primitive that is inserted into the HOOPS segment specified by the key.
Parameters: - filename – The name of the file to load.
- key – The HOOPS segment key to load model data into.
- options – This parameter is currently not being used.
Returns: The #HFileInputResult result of the input operation.
inline virtual HFileIOResult
(char const *FileName, HC_KEY key, HInputHandlerOptions *options) This method loads model data from a given file to a given HOOPS segment key. Note that this must be implemented in a subclassed HInputHandler instance handling models.
Parameters: - filename – The name of the file to load.
- key – The HOOPS segment key to load model data into.
- options – An options class containing any needed extra information for the operation.
Returns: The #HFileInputResult result of the input operation.
inline virtual HFileIOResult
(unsigned short const *FileName, HC_KEY key, HInputHandlerOptions *options) This method loads model data from a given file to a given HOOPS segment key. Note that this must be implemented in a subclassed HInputHandler instance handling models.
Parameters: - filename – The UNICODE name of the file to load.
- key – The HOOPS segment key to load model data into.
- options – An options class containing any needed extra information for the operation.
Returns: The #HFileInputResult result of the input operation.
virtual HFileIOResult
(__wchar_t const *filename, HC_KEY key, HOutputHandlerOptions *options) This method writes write a ply file which is commonly used in academic research.
Parameters: - filename – The name of the file to output.
- key – The HOOPS segment key to output model data from.
- options – This parameter is currently not being used.
Returns: The #HFileOutputResult result of the output operation.
inline virtual HFileIOResult
(unsigned short const *filename, HC_KEY key, HOutputHandlerOptions *options) This method writes model data from a given HOOPS key to a given output file. Note that this must be implemented in a subclassed HOutputHandler instance handling models.
Parameters: - filename – The wide character name of the file to output.
- key – The HOOPS segment key to get output model data from.
- options – The options class containing any needed extra information for the operation.
Returns: The #HFileOutputResult result of the output operation.
inline virtual HFileIOResult
(char const *filename, HC_KEY key, HOutputHandlerOptions *options) This method writes model data from a given HOOPS key to a given output file. Note that this must be implemented in a subclassed HOutputHandler instance handling models.
Parameters: - filename – The name of the file to output.
- key – The HOOPS segment key to output model data from.
- options – The options class containing any needed extra information for the operation.
Returns: The #HFileOutputResult result of the output operation.