



char const *




HBaseOperator *


Detailed Description

class HOpMarkupCircle : public HOpConstructCircle

The HOpMarkupCircle class inserts a 2D circle into a markup layer. If a layer is already active, then the operator will use that layer. Otherwise, the operator will create a new unnamed layer.

HOpMarkupCircle implements three mouse event methods defined on the base class and maps the event information to operator routines. This operation consists of the following steps:

  1. Left Button Down: Registers the center point of the circle.

  2. Left Button Down and Drag: Creates a circle of appropriate radius in the contruction layer.

  3. Left Button Up: Depending on existence of an active markup layer it either opens the existing or creates a new markup layer and inserts appropraitely sized circle into it.

More Detailed Description: see event methods.

Public Functions

HOpMarkupCircle(HBaseView *view, int DoRepeat = 0, int DoCapture = 1)

Constructs an HOpMarkupCircle object.

  • view – A pointer to an HBaseView object

  • DoRepeat – An integer denoting whether this is a repeatable operator. This parameter has been deprecated.

  • DoCapture – An integer denoting whether the mouse state should be captured, which means that all mouse events should be received after a mousedown, even if it leaves the window. This parameter has been deprecated.

virtual ~HOpMarkupCircle()
virtual char const *GetName()

A pointer to a character string denoting the name of the operator, which is ‘HOpMarkupCircle’.

virtual int OnLButtonUp(HEventInfo &hevent)

OnLButtonUp maps circle information from HOpConstructCircle into the HOOPS routine HC_Compute_Selection_By_Area. This function also deselects any selected items that are not present in the current selection list.


hevent – An HEventInfo object containing information about the current event.


An HOperatorReturn indicating the status of the event.

virtual HBaseOperator *Clone()

Creates a new operator which is a copy of the current operator. The user is responsible for deleting the newly created operator.


A pointer to the newly created HOpMarkupCircle object.