





HBaseOperator *


char const *










Detailed Description

class HOpMarkupFreehand3D : public HBaseOperator

The HOpMarkupFreehand3D inserts a 2D freehand polyline into a markup layer. If a layer is already active, then the operator will use that layer. Otherwise, the operator will create a new unnamed layer.

HOpMarkupFreehand3D implements three of the mouse event handlers defined on the base class and maps the event information to logic which inserts a polyline into the scene to serve as a ‘MarkupFreehand’.

  1. Left Button Down: operation initiated, markup begins

  2. Left Button Down and Drag: MarkupFreehand is incrementally built and inserted into the construction segment

  3. Left Button Up: depending on existence of an active markup layer it either opens the existing or creates a new markup layer and inserts freehand markup into it

More Detailed Description: see event methods

Public Functions

HOpMarkupFreehand3D(HBaseView *view, int DoRepeat = 0, int DoCapture = 1)

Constructs an HOpMarkupFreehand3D object.

  • view – A pointer to an HBaseView object

  • DoRepeat – An integer denoting whether this is a repeatable operator. This parameter has been deprecated.

  • DoCapture – An integer denoting whether the mouse state should be captured, which means that all mouse events should be received after a mousedown, even if it leaves the window. This parameter has been deprecated.

virtual HBaseOperator *Clone()

Creates a new operator which is associated with the same view as the current operator. The user is responsible for deleting the newly created operator.


A pointer to an HBaseOperator object

virtual char const *GetName()

returns a pointer to a copy of the operator


A pointer to a character string denoting the name of the operator, which is ‘HOpMarkupFreehand3D’.

virtual int OnLButtonDownAndMove(HEventInfo &hevent)

OnLButtonDownAndMove computes the line segment to be incrementally added to the existing polyline in the current markup layer. Note this method acts only if selection items that are part of the associated model.


hevent – An HEventInfo object containing information about the current event. Note this method acts only if selection items that are part of the associated model.


A value indicating the result of the event handling.

virtual int OnLButtonDown(HEventInfo &hevent)

OnLButtonDown records the first pointer position and initializes the redlining mechanism by creating a polyline in the current markup layer which will be incrementally built. Note this method acts only if selection items that are part of the associated model.


hevent – An HEventInfo object containing information about the current event.


A value indicating the result of the event handling.

virtual int OnLButtonUp(HEventInfo &hevent)

OnLButtonUp cleans up the construction segments used during the redling and inserts the polyline representing the ‘MarkupFreehand’ into the scene.


hevent – An HEventInfo object containing information about the current event.


A value indicating the result of the event handling.

Public Members

HC_KEY m_lPolyline

key for HOOPS polyline

Public Static Functions

static void CreateMarkupFreehand(HBaseView *pView, char const *segment, unsigned int PolyLineLength, HPoint *pPolyline, bool emit_message)

CreateMarkupFreehand uses inserts the polyline representing the freehand drawing into the active markup layer. If there is no active markup layer, then it creates a new unnamed layer.

  • pView – A pointer to the HBaseView object where the markup data should be inserted

  • segment – The name of segment within markup layer that the freehand data should be inserted into

  • PolyLineLength – Integer value indicating number of points in teh freehand polyline

  • pPolyline – An array of HPoints definind the freehand polyline

  • emit_message – Determines if polyline creation is broadcasted to other HNet clients