

char const * GetName
HBaseOperator * Clone
int OnLButtonDown
int OnLButtonDblClk

Detailed Description

template<typename SelectionSet>
class HOpSelectPolygonOOC : public HOpSelectPolygon

The HSelectPolygonOOC class computes a selection list for OOC points inside a polygonal area. If this class is used by an HBaseView, the view must have an HSelectionSetOOC<SelectionSet> instance for its selection set.

Param SelectionSet:
 The selection set type used by HSelectionSetOOC<SelectionSet>

Public Functions

inline HOpSelectPolygonOOC(HBaseView &view)

Constructs an HOpSelectPolygonOOC.

Parameters:view – A reference to an HBaseView object.
inline virtual char const *GetName()
Returns:A pointer to a character string denoting the name of the operator, which is “HOpSelectPolygonOOC”.
inline virtual HBaseOperator *Clone()

Creates a new operator which is associated with the same view as the current operator. The user is responsible for deleting the newly created operator.

Returns:A pointer to a copy of this operator.
inline virtual int OnLButtonDown(HEventInfo &e)

Starts to create a selection lasso that will select points inside it. Each time the left mouse button is pressed, a new vertex is added to the polygon lasso.

Parameters:e – An HEventInfo object containing information about the current event.
Returns:A value indicating the status of the event.
inline virtual int OnLButtonDblClk(HEventInfo &e)

Finalizes the selection lasso created by OnLButtonDown and selects points that lie inside the polygon lasso.

Parameters:e – An HEventInfo object containing information about the current event.
Returns:A value indicating the status of the event.