
Detailed Description

class HPointCloudOptions

The HPointCloudOptions class provides a mechanism for controlling certain aspects of the point cloud import.

Public Functions

inline HPointCloudOptions()

Constructs the HPointCloudOptions object and sets the defaults by calling Defaults.

inline ~HPointCloudOptions()
inline void Defaults()

This method sets the default values for the various control points.

Public Members

unsigned int m_numBuckets

This field sets the number of buckets to bin gray scale values into. If it is set to zero, no down-sampling will occur. This field only affects gray scale point clouds.

int m_lowIntensityValue

This field sets the lower limit on the intensity values to be found in the file. If it is set to zero, this value is determined automatically from the data.

int m_highIntensityValue

This field sets the upper limit on the intensity values to be found in the file. If it is set to zero, this value is determined automatically from the data.

int m_maxShellSize

This field sets the maximum number of points to have in a spatially segregated shell.

int m_minShellSize

This field sets the minimum number of points to have in a spatially segregated shell.