
Detailed Description

class HTouchManager

The HTouchManager class stores and manages touch input.

HTouchManager manages touch input usually coming from a multi-touch enabled device.

Public Functions


Constructs an HTouchManager object.


Destructor for HTouchManager

HTouchInfo *AddTouch(float x, float y, float timestamp, int taps, unsigned long ident)

This method creates a HTouchInfo object and adds this object to the currently list of touch objects

  • x – The X coordinate of the touch event, in window space.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the touch event, in window space.
  • timestamp – The time when the touch has occured
  • taps – Number of “taps” (one or more consecutive touches interpreted as one touch)
  • ident – Unique identifier

A new or preexisting TouchInfo object constructed from the provided input

void ClearTouchActivity()

Clears the activity flag on all touches. Depending on the platform touches might be marked as “active” if they are referenced as part of a touch event. As an example a touch sequnce might start and end with 3 simultaneous touches but might consist of only one or two touches in between.

void ClearTouches()
bool RemoveTouch(unsigned long ident)

This method removes a touch object from the current list of touches.

Parameters:ident – Unique identifier of touch
Returns:True if touch was found
inline int GetActiveTouchCount()
Returns:Numher of active touches.
int GetTouchCount()
Returns:Numher of total touches.
int GetTouches(HTouchInfo *touches[], int maxtouches, bool activeOnly = false)

This method retrieves an array of touches

  • touches – Array of pointers to HTouchInfo Objects. Returned to caller. Passed by reference always.
  • maxtouches – Maximum number of touches returned in “touches”
  • activeOnly – Only return active touches

Number of touches

HTouchInfo *GetTouch(int index, bool activeOnly = false)

This method retrieves a single touch object


HTouchInfo or NULL