

ooc::Point p3
float inverse_denom
float alpha_1
float alpha_2
float beta_1
float beta_2

Detailed Description

class HWindowInfoOOC

This class represents either a rectangular or triangular window-space area to filter OOC points with.

Public Functions

inline HWindowInfoOOC()

Constructs an invalid HWindowInfoOOC object.

bool RejectBounding(ooc::Point const (&world_bounds)[8]) const

Determines if a bounding box is rejected based on intersection with the area this object represents.

Parameters:world_bounds – The corners of the bounding box to test against.
Returns:Returns true if the area this object represents does not intersect with world_bounds.
bool AcceptPoint(ooc::Point const &world_point) const

Determines if a point is rejected based on intersection with the area this object represents.

Parameters:world_point – The point to test against.
Returns:Returns true if the area this object represents does not contain world_point.

Public Members

ooc::Point p3
float inverse_denom
float alpha_1
float alpha_2
float beta_1
float beta_2

Public Static Functions

static HWindowInfoOOC Rectangle(HBaseView &view, ooc::Point const &window_min, ooc::Point const &window_max)

Constructs a rectangular window-space area.

  • view – A reference to an HBaseView object.
  • window_min – The minimum corner of the rectangle to use.
  • window_max – The maximum corner of the rectangle to use.

Returns an HWindowInfoOOC object represeting the given rectangle.

static HWindowInfoOOC Triangle(HBaseView &view, ooc::Point const &p1, ooc::Point const &p2, ooc::Point const &p3)

Constructs a triangular window-space area.

  • view – A reference to an HBaseView object.
  • p1 – The first point of the triangle to use.
  • p2 – The second point of the triangle to use.
  • p3 – The third point of the triangle to use.

Returns an HWindowInfoOOC object representing the given triangle.