class DrawWindowEvent : public HPS::DriverEvent
The DrawWindowEvent class is the event generated when the driver draws the window background for each subwindow.
Public Types
enum class BackgroundTextureFormat
Enumerates the various texture formats supported by the DrawTexturedBackground function .
enumerator RGBA
Handle to single GL_RGBA format texture.
enumerator BGRA
Same as RGBA but with swapped red and blue channels.
enumerator ImageExternal
Handle to single OES_EGL_image_external texture.
enumerator LumaChromaPair
Pointer to array of two texture handles for a YCbCr texture pair (For OpenGL ES, the formats should be GL_LUMINANCE and GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA. For Metal, the formats should be MTLPixelFormatR8Unorm and MTLPixelFormatRG8Unorm).
enumerator RGBA
Public Functions
void DrawTexturedBackground(OpaqueHandle in_texture, BackgroundTextureFormat in_format, MatrixKit const &in_matrix, IntRectangle const &in_extent) const
Function for drawing a platform-specific texture in place of the normal window background.
- Parameters:
in_texture – The platform-specific texture handle(s)
in_format – The format of the texture(s) provided through the ‘in_texture’ parameter.
in_matrix – A transformation to apply to the uv coordinates used to draw the texture to the window.
in_extent – The screen extent for the window background to be drawn.
DrawWindowEvent(OpaqueHandle in_nr = 0)
virtual ~DrawWindowEvent()
The screen extent for the window being drawn.
Public Members
IntRectangle Extent
enum class BackgroundTextureFormat