
class Line

This is the Line Class

Public Types

enum class CoordinateSpace : uint32_t

The CoordinateSpace enum is a list of all coordinate spaces used in Visualize. These correspond to HPS::Coordinate::Space


enumerator Object

enumerator World

enumerator NormalizedInnerWindow

enumerator NormalizedInnerPixel

enum class SizeUnits : uint32_t

Line Size Units


enumerator ScaleFactor

A unitless linear scaling factor. A value of 2.0 will cause lines to be rendered twice as thick. A value of 1.0 will result in a visually pleasing device-dependent line weight. A value of 0 will result in the minimal weight line supported by the device.

enumerator ObjectSpace

Object space units ignoring any scaling components in modelling matrices.

enumerator SubscreenRelative

Fraction of the height of the outermost window.

enumerator WindowRelative

Fraction of the height of the local window.

enumerator WorldSpace

Object space units including any scaling components in modelling matrices and cameras.

enumerator Points

Points units typically used for text size. 1 point corresponds to 1/72 inch.

enumerator Pixels

Number of pixels.