
class HPS::FloatSampler : public HPS::Sampler

A FloatSampler is a type of Sampler which holds Keyframe which specify values as floats. For example, if a Channel is setup to animate the target’s opacity, the target’s alpha channel value will be specified in floats, and therefore be held in FloatKeyframes, which will be collected in a FloatSampler.

Public Functions

void AddKeyframe(FloatKeyframe const &in_keyframe)

Adds the provided keyframe to this Sampler. The provided keyframe will be automatically sorted into the Sampler. If the sampler already contains a keyframe targeting the same timer tick as in_keyframe, it will be replaced


in_keyframe – the keyframe to add to this Sampler

void AddKeyframes(FloatKeyframeArray const &in_keyframes)

Adds the provided keyframes to this Sampler. The provided keyframes will be automatically sorted and validated. Adding a key frame will replace already existing keyframes that target the same timer tick. Each element in in_keyframe should target a different timer tick. Not complying will result in an exception of type HPS::InvalidSpecificationException being thrown.


in_keyframes – the array of keyframes to add to this Sampler

void AddKeyframes(size_t in_count, FloatKeyframe const in_keyframes[])

Adds the provided keyframes to this Sampler. The provided keyframes will be automatically sorted and validated. Adding a key frame will replace already existing keyframes that target the same timer tick. Each element in in_keyframe should target a different timer tick. Not complying will result in an exception of type HPS::InvalidSpecificationException being thrown.

  • in_count – the number of keyframes in the in_keyframes array

  • in_keyframes – the array of keyframes to add to this Sampler

FloatSampler(FloatSampler const &in_that)
explicit FloatSampler(Sampler const &in_that)
FloatSplineControlValuesArray const &GetControlValues() const

Returns the control values this Sampler is set to use during Spline interpolation of keyframe values.


An array of control point values previously specified to SetControlValues.

FloatKeyframeArray const &GetKeyframes() const

Returns the keyframes contained in this Sampler. Because keyframes are sorted as they are added to the Sampler, the order of keyframes returned might not match the order in which they were inserted in this Sampler.


An array of keyframes contained in this Sampler.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

void SetControlValues(FloatSplineControlValuesArray const &in_control_points)

Sets control values used during Spline interpolation of keyframe values. If this Sampler is not set to use Spline interpolation these values will be ignored during playback.


in_control_points – The control points to use for interpolation. When executing playback this array must be equal in size to the keyframe array associated with this Sampler.

void SetKeyframes(FloatKeyframeArray const &in_keyframes)

Replaces the keyframes on this Sampler with those provided The provided keyframes will be automatically sorted and validated. Each element in in_keyframe should target a different timer tick. Not complying will result in an exception of type HPS::InvalidSpecificationException being thrown.


in_keyframes – the array of keyframes to add to this Sampler

void SetKeyframes(size_t in_count, FloatKeyframe const in_keyframes[])

Replaces the keyframes on this Sampler with those provided The provided keyframes will be automatically sorted and validated. Each element in in_keyframe should target a different timer tick. Not complying will result in an exception of type HPS::InvalidSpecificationException being thrown.

  • in_count – the number of keyframes in the in_keyframes array

  • in_keyframes – the array of keyframes to add to this Sampler

virtual ~FloatSampler()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::FloatSampler