
class SubwindowControl : public HPS::Control

The HPS::SubwindowControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. The HPS::SubwindowControl allows you to manipulate the various settings associated with subwindows, such as border, background, and priority. As the main Visualize window is also an implicit subwindow, this control also allows you to set the rendering algorithm. The rendering algorithm should only have a single setting for each window or subwindow. Setting disparate rendering algorithms in multiple places in your scene can lead to unexpected results.

Default values for the various fields of HPS::SubwindowControl can be found here.

Public Functions

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

SubwindowControl &operator=(SubwindowControl &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SubwindowControl thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to a SubwindowControl to take the impl from.


A reference to this SubwindowControl.

SubwindowControl &operator=(SubwindowControl const &in_that)

Share the underlying smart-pointer of the SubwindowControl source.


in_that – The SubwindowControl source of the assignment.


A reference to this SubwindowControl.

SubwindowControl &SetBackground(Subwindow::Background in_bg_type, char const *in_definition_name = "")

Controls the type of background to be used for subwindows originating from this segment. This has no effect when applied to segments without a subwindow present.

  • in_bg_type – The type of background to be used for subwindows originating from this segment.

  • in_definition_name – the name of a definition to be used in the background. Only relevant if in_bg_type is Image or Cubemap.


A reference to this object.

SubwindowControl &SetBorder(Subwindow::Border in_border_type)

Controls the type of border, if any, that should be drawn for subwindows originating from this segment. This has no effect when applied to segments without a subwindow present.


in_border_type – The type of border, if any, that should be drawn for subwindows originating from this segment.


A reference to this object.

SubwindowControl &SetModelCompareMode(bool in_state, SegmentKey const &in_source1 = SegmentKey(), SegmentKey const &in_source2 = SegmentKey())

Sets ‘model compare’ rendering mode which displays a visual diff between the two source segments in this subwindow.

  • in_state – Toggles compare mode on or off.

  • in_source1 – The first source model.

  • in_source2 – The second source model.


A reference to this object.

SubwindowControl &SetModelCompareMode(SegmentKey const &in_source1, SegmentKey const &in_source2)

Sets ‘model compare’ rendering mode which displays a visual diff between the two source segments in this subwindow.

  • in_source1 – The first source model.

  • in_source2 – The second source model.


A reference to this object.

SubwindowControl &SetRenderingAlgorithm(Subwindow::RenderingAlgorithm in_hsra)

Determines the algorithm used to remove objects (or parts of objects) that are hidden from view by other objects. This has no effect when applied to segments without a subwindow present.

See also

Rendering algorithm default value


in_hsra – The algorithm used to identify and remove hidden surfaces.


A reference to this object.

SubwindowControl &SetSubwindow(Rectangle const &in_window_position, IntRectangle const &in_window_offsets, Subwindow::Type in_type = Subwindow::Type::Standard)

Defines a portion of the containing window to act as a subwindow. Window segments have an implicit subwindow of -1 to 1 in both x and y directions that cannot be changed. Other segments can be constrained to some portion of that space. Most other subwindow-related settings are only relevant if they are applied on a segment that also contains a subwindow.

  • in_window_position – The portion of the containing window that should be reserved for a subwindow. The subwindow is defined in the context of a rectangle extending out a single unit in each direction from the origin. For example, a subwindow rectangle defined as Rectangle(0, 1, -1, 0) would occupy the lower right quarter of the containing window.

  • in_window_offsets – The pixel-space offsets to apply to each side of the given window position.

  • in_type – The type of subwindow to create.


A reference to this object.

SubwindowControl &SetSubwindow(Rectangle const &in_window_position, Subwindow::Type in_type = Subwindow::Type::Standard)

Defines a portion of the containing window to act as a subwindow. Window segments have an implicit subwindow of -1 to 1 in both x and y directions that cannot be changed. Other segments can be constrained to some portion of that space. Most other subwindow-related settings are only relevant if they are applied on a segment that also contains a subwindow.

  • in_window_position – The portion of the containing window that should be reserved for a subwindow. The subwindow is defined in the context of a rectangle extending out a single unit in each direction from the origin. For example, a subwindow rectangle defined as Rectangle(0, 1, -1, 0) would occupy the lower right quarter of the containing window.

  • in_type – The type of subwindow to create.


A reference to this object.

bool ShowBackground(Subwindow::Background &out_bg_type, UTF8 &out_definition_name) const

Shows the window background setting

  • out_bg_type – The type of background to be used for subwindows originating from this segment.

  • out_definition_name – the name of a definition to be used in the background.


true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowBorder(Subwindow::Border &out_border_type) const

Shows the subwindow border setting


out_border_type – The type of border, if any, that should be drawn for subwindows originating from this segment.


true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowModelCompareMode(bool &out_state, SegmentKey &out_source1, SegmentKey &out_source2) const

Shows the model compare setting.

  • out_state – The model compare enabled state.

  • out_source1 – The first source model.

  • out_source2 – The second source model.


true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowRenderingAlgorithm(Subwindow::RenderingAlgorithm &out_hsra) const

Shows the rendering algorithm setting.


out_hsra – The algorithm used to identify and remove hidden surfaces.


true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowSubwindow(Rectangle &out_subwindow_position, IntRectangle &out_subwindow_offsets, Subwindow::Type &out_subwindow_type) const

Shows the subwindow setting.

  • out_subwindow_position – The portion of the containing window that should be reserved for a subwindow.

  • out_subwindow_offsets – The pixel-space offsets being applied to the subwindow position.

  • out_subwindow_type – The type of subwindow to create.


true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.

explicit SubwindowControl(SegmentKey &in_seg)

Initializes a control tied to the segment in_seg.

SubwindowControl(SubwindowControl &&in_that)

The move constructor creates a SubwindowControl by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SubwindowControl thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to a SubwindowControl to take the impl from.

SubwindowControl(SubwindowControl const &in_that)

Initializes a control tied to the same object as in_that.

SubwindowControl &UnsetBackground()

Removes a subwindow background setting. If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default value of this setting as specified by SubwindowKit::GetDefault().


A reference to this object.

SubwindowControl &UnsetBorder()

Removes a subwindow border setting. If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default value of this setting as specified by SubwindowKit::GetDefault().


A reference to this object.

SubwindowControl &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this object. If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default settings of this control as specified by SubwindowKit::GetDefault().


A reference to this object.

SubwindowControl &UnsetModelCompareMode()

Removes model compare setting. If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default value of this setting as specified by SubwindowKit::GetDefault().


A reference to this object.

SubwindowControl &UnsetRenderingAlgorithm()

Removes a rendering algorithm setting. If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default value of this setting as specified by SubwindowKit::GetDefault().


A reference to this object.

SubwindowControl &UnsetSubwindow()

Removes a subwindow setting. If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default value of this setting as specified by SubwindowKit::GetDefault().


A reference to this object.


Releases a reference to the database object this control is tied to.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::SubwindowControl