
template<typename F>
struct HPS::Cuboid_3D

Public Functions

inline HPS_INLINE bool Contains (Cuboid_3D const &contained) const

Returns true if the cuboid completely contains the parameter cuboid.


contained – The other cuboid

inline HPS_INLINE bool Contains (Point_3D< F > const &contained) const

Returns true if the cuboid completely contains a cuboid based on the parameter points.


contained – The points to compare against

inline HPS_INLINE bool Contains (Point_3D< F > const &contained, F epsilon) const

Returns true if the cuboid completely contains a cuboid based on the parameter points, with a tolerance value.

  • contained – The points to compare against

  • epsilon – The tolerance value

inline HPS_INLINE Cuboid_3D & Contract (F border)

Contracts both corners of this cuboid.


border – Amount to contract

inline Cuboid_3D()

Creates an invalid cuboid.

template<typename D>
inline explicit Cuboid_3D(Cuboid_3D<D> const &that)

Creates a cuboid equal to another cuboid.


that – The other cuboid

inline Cuboid_3D(Point_3D<F> const &in_min, Point_3D<F> const &in_max)

Creates a cuboid based on two points, which become opposite corners of the cuboid.

  • in_min – The first point of the cuboid

  • in_max – The second point of the cuboid

inline Cuboid_3D(Rectangle const &that)

Creates a cuboid with the same dimensions as a rectangle.


that – The rectangle to create the cuboid from

inline Cuboid_3D(size_t count, Point_3D<F> const *points)

Creates a cuboid based on an array of points. Only the minimum and maximum points are used, which become opposite corners of the cuboid. If count is 0, then an invalid cuboid is returned.

  • count – The size of points

  • points – An array of points

template<typename T>
inline Cuboid_3D(size_t count, T const *indices, Point_3D<F> const *points)

Creates a cuboid based on an array of points. Only the minimum and maximum points are used, which become opposite corners of the cuboid. If count is 0, then an invalid cuboid is returned.

  • count – The number of index values in indices

  • indices – the index values used to select points

  • points – An array of points

Cuboid_3D(Sphere_3D<F> const &that)

Creates a cuboid that will fit tightly around a sphere.


that – The sphere to fit

inline HPS_INLINE Vector_3D< F > Diagonal () const

Returns the diagonal vector of the cuboid.

inline HPS_INLINE Cuboid_3D & Expand (F border)

Expands both corners of this cuboid.


border – Amount to expand

inline HPS_INLINE void Generate_Cuboid_Points (Point_3D< F > *points) const

Assigns the eight corners of the cuboid based on the points in the parameter array. The array must contain at least eight points.


points – The array which contains points

inline HPS_INLINE Cuboid_3D & Intersect (Cuboid_3D const &cuboid)

Replaces this cuboid with the intersection of this cuboid and the parameter cuboid.


cuboid – The cuboid to compute intersection against

inline HPS_INLINE bool Intersecting (Cuboid_3D const &cuboid) const

Determines whether this cuboid intersects with another cuboid.


cuboid – The other cuboid

inline HPS_INLINE bool Intersecting (Cuboid_3D const &cuboid, F const allowance) const

Determines whether this cuboid intersects with another cuboid. Allows for a tolerance value to be considered.


cuboid – The other cuboid

inline HPS_INLINE bool Intersecting (int dimension, Cuboid_3D const &cuboid) const

Returns true if this cuboid intersects with the parameter cuboid along a certain axis.

  • dimension – Must be either 0, 1, or 2. Corresponds to the X, Y, and Z axes.

  • cuboid – The cuboid to test against

inline HPS_INLINE bool Intersecting (int dimension, Cuboid_3D const &cuboid, F const allowance) const

Returns true if this cuboid intersects with the parameter cuboid along a certain axis, and considers a tolerance value.

  • dimension – Must be 0, 1, or 2. Corresponds to the X, Y, and Z axes.

  • cuboid – The cuboid to test against

  • allowance – The tolerance value

inline HPS_INLINE bool Intersecting (Point_3D< F > const &point1, Point_3D< F > const &point2) const

Determines whether this cuboid intersects with an infinite line.

  • point1 – A point on the line.

  • point2 – A different point on the line.

inline HPS_INLINE bool Intersecting (Point_3D< F > const &start, Vector_3D< F > const &direction) const

Determines whether this cuboid intersects with a ray.

  • start – The start point of the ray.

  • direction – The direction of the ray.

inline void Invalidate()

Invalidates this cuboid.

inline HPS_INLINE bool IsValid () const

Tests whether this cuboid is valid. The cuboid is considered valid if the minimum point is less than or equal to the maximum point.

inline HPS_INLINE void Merge (Cuboid_3D const &cuboid)

Merges this cuboid with another cuboid. Only the smallest and largest values of the cuboids are retained.


cuboid – The other cuboid

inline HPS_INLINE void Merge (Point_3D< F > const &point)

Expands the cuboid to include a point.


point – The point to include

inline void Merge(size_t count, Point_3D<F> const *points)

Expands this cuboid to include a set of points.

  • count – The number of points in points

  • points – The array of points

template<typename T>
inline void Merge(size_t count, T const *indices, Point_3D<F> const *points)

Expands this cuboid to include a set of indexed points.

  • count – The number of index values in indices

  • indices – the index values used to select points

  • points – The array of points

inline HPS_INLINE void Merge (Sphere_3D< F > const &sphere)

Merges this cuboid with another cuboid created from a sphere. Only the smallest and largest values of the cuboids are retained.


cuboid – The other cuboid

inline HPS_INLINE bool operator!= (Cuboid_3D const &cuboid) const

Determines if the maximum and minimum points of this cuboid are not equal to the maximum and minimum points of another cuboid.


cuboid – The other cuboid

inline HPS_INLINE bool operator== (Cuboid_3D const &cuboid) const

Determines if the maximum and minimum points of this cuboid are equal to the maximum and minimum points of another cuboid.


cuboid – The other cuboid

inline HPS_INLINE Cuboid_3D & Union (Cuboid_3D const &cuboid)

Replaces this cuboid with the union of this cuboid and the parameter cuboid.


cuboid – The cuboid to compute union against

inline HPS_INLINE F Volume () const

Returns the volume of this cuboid.

Public Members

Point_3D<F> max

The maximum point of this cuboid

Point_3D<F> min

The minimum point of this cuboid

Public Static Functions

static inline HPS_INLINE Cuboid_3D Invalid ()

Creates an invalid cuboid.