class Selection
The Selection class is a concept class for selection-related enum classes.
Public Types
enum class Algorithm : uint32_t
Enumeration of the various selection algorithms.
enumerator Visual
This algorithm will post-process the SelectionResults to remove items which are obscured by other objects in the scene, and therefore only items that are visible on the screen will be selected.
enumerator Analytic
This algorithm will perform analytic world space selection testing, and will not post-process the SelectionResults based on obscuration. Therefore, items which are not currently visible may still be returned in the SelectionResults.
enumerator Visual
enum class Granularity : uint32_t
Enumeration of the various selection granularities.
enumerator General
Use the most efficient selection determination for curves, edges and lines.
enumerator Detailed
Use the most accurate selection determination for curves, edges and lines.
enumerator General
enum class Level : uint32_t
Enumeration of the various selection levels.
Enumeration of the various selection sorting choices.
enumerator Segment
Return the owning segment of the selected geometry entities in SelectionResults.
enumerator Entity
Return the selected geometry entities in SelectionResults.
enumerator Subentity
Return the selected geometry entities and the associated faces, edges and vertices for shells or meshes in SelectionResults.
enumerator Segment
enum class Sorting : uint32_t
enumerator Off
Do not sort selection results.
enumerator Proximity
Sort selection results according to the screen-space proximity to the selection point. Ties (items with equal proximity) will be further z-sorted. Note that Lines (and edges and all line-like geometry such as circular arcs) and Markers are biased to make them more easily selectable. This biasing is part of the proximity calculation, and it is therefore possible that Lines and Markers are sorted ahead of other geometry that is closer to the selection point.
Proximity sorting is only relevant for SelectByPoint.
enumerator ZSorting
Sort selection results from front to back.
enumerator Default
Use Proximity sorting for SelectByPoint. Use ZSorting in all other cases.
enumerator Off
enum class Algorithm : uint32_t