class HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit : public HPS::Kit
Configuration options kit for controlling HPS::Segment::Optimize behavior.
Public Functions
void Consume(SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &in_kit)
Copies the source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit into this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit and resets the source kit.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit to consume.
virtual bool Empty() const
Indicates whether this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit has any values set on it.
- Returns
true if no values are set on this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit, false otherwise.
bool Equals(SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit is equivalent to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit to compare to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
- Returns
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
bool operator!=(SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit is not equivalent to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit to compare to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
- Returns
true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &operator=(SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &&in_kit)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy.
- Parameters
in_that – An rvalue reference to a SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit to take the impl from.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &operator=(SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit const &in_kit)
Copies the source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit into this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit to copy.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
bool operator==(SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit is equivalent to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit to compare to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
- Returns
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
The default constructor creates an empty SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit object.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit(SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &&in_kit)
The move constructor creates a SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.
- Parameters
in_that – An rvalue reference to a SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit to take the impl from.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit(SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit const &in_kit)
The copy constructor creates a new SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit to copy.
void Set(SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit const &in_kit)
Copies the source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit into this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit to copy.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &SetAttributeDelocalization(bool in_attribute_delocalization)
Controls whether or not local attributes will be pulled out of geometry.
- Parameters
in_attribute_delocalization – Denotes whether or not local attributes will be pulled out of geometry.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &SetExpansion(HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptions::Expansion in_expansion)
Controls whether or not includes or references are expanded.
- Parameters
in_expansion – The enum value describing how to handle includes and references.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &SetMatrix(HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptions::Matrix in_matrix)
Controls whether or not matrices are localized, collapsed, or left as is.
- Parameters
in_matrix – The enum value describing how to handle matrices.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &SetReorganization(HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptions::Reorganization in_reorganization)
Controls how the tree is reorganized.
- Parameters
in_reorganization – The enum value describing how to reorganize the tree.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &SetScope(HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptions::Scope in_scope)
Controls the traversal scope of the optimization operation.
- Parameters
in_scope – The enum value describing the traversal scope of the optimization.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &SetShellInstancing(bool in_shell_instancing)
Controls whether or not duplicate shells are instanced.
- Parameters
in_shell_instancing – Denotes whether or not shells will be instanced.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &SetShellMerging(bool in_shell_merging)
Controls whether or not distinct shells are merged into consolidated shells.
- Parameters
in_shell_merging – Denotes whether or not shells will be merged.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &SetUserData(HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptions::UserData in_user_data)
Controls whether or not user data is discarded, preserved, merged, localized, or left as is.
- Parameters
in_user_data – The enum value describing how to handle user data.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
void Show(SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &out_kit) const
Copies this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit into the given SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
- Parameters
out_kit – The SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
bool ShowAttributeDelocalization(bool &out_attribute_delocalization) const
Shows the Attribute Delocalization setting.
- Parameters
out_attribute_delocalization –
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowExpansion(HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptions::Expansion &out_expansion) const
Shows the Expansion setting.
- Parameters
out_expansion –
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowMatrix(HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptions::Matrix &out_matrix) const
Shows the Matrix setting.
- Parameters
out_matrix –
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowReorganization(HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptions::Reorganization &out_reorganization) const
Shows the Reorganization setting.
- Parameters
out_reorganization –
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowScope(HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptions::Scope &out_scope) const
Shows the Scope setting.
- Parameters
out_scope –
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowShellInstancing(bool &out_shell_instancing) const
Shows the Shell Instancing setting.
- Parameters
out_shell_instancing –
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowShellMerging(bool &out_shell_merging) const
Shows the Shell Merging setting.
- Parameters
out_shell_merging –
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowUserData(HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptions::UserData &out_user_data) const
Shows the User Data setting.
- Parameters
out_user_data –
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &UnsetAttributeDelocalization()
Unsets the ttributeDelocalization value on this kit.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()
Removes all settings from this object.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &UnsetExpansion()
Unsets the Expansion value on this kit.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &UnsetMatrix()
Unsets the Matrix value on this kit.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &UnsetReorganization()
Unsets the Reorganization value on this kit.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &UnsetScope()
Unsets the Scope value on this kit.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &UnsetShellInstancing()
Unsets the ShellInstancing value on this kit.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &UnsetShellMerging()
Unsets the ShellMerging value on this kit.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &UnsetUserData()
Unsets the UserData value on this kit.
- Returns
A reference to this SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.
virtual ~SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit()
Public Static Attributes
static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit
void Consume(SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit &in_kit)