
struct HPS.VectorSplineControlValues

Public Functions

override bool Equals (object obj)

Compares this VectorSplineControlValues object to another object.

Param obj

The object to compare to this object.


Returns true if the parameter is equivalent, false otherwise.

bool Equals (VectorSplineControlValues v)

Compares a VectorSplineControlValues object to this VectorSplineControlValues.

Param p

The object to compare to this object.


Returns true if the parameter is equivalent to this VectorSplineControlValues object, false otherwise.

override int GetHashCode ()
VectorSplineControlValues (Vector in_input, Vector in_output)

Creates a new VectorSplineControlValues object used to desribe control values for an individual VectorSplineControlValues when interpolating across a series of keyframes in a VectorSampler using Spline interpolation.

Param in_input

The value subtracted from the associated keyframe value to develop the input tangent.

Param in_output

The value from which the associated keyframe value is subtracted to develop the output tangent.

Public Members

Vector input
Vector output

Public Static Functions

bool operator!= (VectorSplineControlValues in_left, VectorSplineControlValues in_right)

Check if the source VectorSplineControlValues is different from this VectorSplineControlValues.

Param in_that

The source VectorSplineControlValues to compare to this VectorSplineControlValues.


true if the objects are different, false otherwise.

bool operator== (VectorSplineControlValues in_left, VectorSplineControlValues in_right)

Check if the source VectorSplineControlValues is equal to this VectorSplineControlValues.

Param in_that

The source VectorSplineControlValues to compare to this VectorSplineControlValues.


true if the objects are equal, false otherwise.