class HPS::Key : public HPS::Object
The Key class is the common base class of all Visualize keys. Keys are handles to database objects and are the primary way of interacting with them (you would never modify a database object directly). The underlying mechanism is a smart pointer (assignment operator works like regular pointers). Attempting to use a deleted or otherwise invalid key will result in an InvalidObjectException.
Subclassed by HPS::GeometryKey, HPS::IncludeKey, HPS::PortfolioKey, HPS::SegmentKey, HPS::ShaderKey, HPS::StyleKey
Public Functions
virtual void Assign(Key const &in_that)
Share the underlying smart-pointer of the Key source.
- Parameters
in_that – The Key source of the assignment.
Key CopyTo(SegmentKey const &in_destination) const
Performs a deep copy of the database object referred to by this key into a segment pointed to by in_destination. If the copied key includes other keys or has child nodes, they will be recursively copied. Include links will also be copied, however, link targets will not be copied.
- Returns
The key of the new copy.
void Delete()
Removes the database object referred to by this key.
bool Equals(Key const &in_that) const
Determines whether the database objects pointed to by this key and in_that are the same. Empty keys (when key.Empty() returns true) are never equal to any key, even when the key is compared against itself (they act analogously to NaN comparisons in this case.)
size_t GetHash() const
Returns a hash code for the key.
- Returns
The size_t hash code.
bool HasOwner() const
- Returns
Indicates whether this key has an owner or not.
An uninitialized key refers to no database object and Type() will return Type::None.
Key(Key &&in_that)
The move constructor creates a Key by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this Key thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.
- Parameters
in_that – An rvalue reference to a Key to take the impl from.
void MoveTo(SegmentKey const &in_new_owner)
Moves the database object referred to by this key into a new containing segment pointed to by in_new_owner.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
bool operator!=(Key const &in_that) const
Determines whether the database objects pointed to by this key and in_that are the same.
Key &operator=(Key &&in_that)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this Key thereby avoiding a copy.
bool operator==(Key const &in_that) const
Determines whether the database objects pointed to by this key and in_that are the same.
SegmentKey Owner() const
- Returns
The segment containing this key.
SegmentKey Up() const
- Returns
The segment containing this key.
virtual ~Key()
Releases a reference to this key, but it does not remove the key from the database.
Public Static Attributes
static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::Key
virtual void Assign(Key const &in_that)