class Shell
The Shell class is a concept class for shell-related enum classes.
Public Types
enum class Component : uint32_t
Enumerates the shell components that vertex colors can be applied to.
enumerator Faces
The vertex colors applied to faces.
enumerator Edges
The vertex colors applied to edges.
enumerator Vertices
The vertex colors applied to vertices.
enumerator Faces
enum class HandednessOptimization : uint32_t
enumerator None
Do nothing with handedness.
enumerator Fix
Converts the handedness of the minority of the face to the handedness of the majority.
enumerator Reverse
Reverses the handedness of the shell’s faces.
enumerator None
enum class Relation : uint32_t
enumerator On
The point is on this shell, within the specified tolerance.
enumerator Off
The point is not on this shell, within the specified tolerance.
enumerator In
The point is inside this shell.
enumerator Out
The point is outside this shell.
enumerator On
enum class RelationTest : uint32_t
enumerator Simple
The points will only be tested for whether they lie on this shell or not.
enumerator Enclosure
The points will be tested for whether they lie on this shell, are enclosed within, or are outside it.
enumerator Distance
The shortest distance from each point to this shell will be computed.
enumerator Simple
enum class Component : uint32_t