Default Attribute and Options
This table documents important default attributes and options. All segments have a default value for each attribute. The values accessed by an attribute control always reflect the segment’s attribute values. The fields in a corresponding kit do not have meaningful default values unless you call GetDefault()
on the kit.
Attribute Locks
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
attribute lock |
false |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
bounding exclusion |
false |
Camera Control
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
projection |
field width |
2.0 |
field height |
2.0 |
target |
position |
up vector |
near limit |
-0.0001 |
camera relative lights enabled |
false |
Color Interpolation
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
face color interpolation enabled |
true |
face color index interpolation enabled |
true |
edge color interpolation enabled |
false |
edge color index interpolation enabled |
false |
vertex color interpolation enabled |
false |
vertex color index interpolation enabled |
false |
Contour Lines
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
visibility |
false |
colors |
patterns |
weight |
1.0 |
lighting |
false |
position interval |
1.0 |
position offset |
0 |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
back face |
true |
deferral extents |
100 |
extents |
10 |
frustum |
true |
vector |
false |
vector tolerance |
0 |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
view dependent curves |
false |
curve budget |
512 |
curve continued budget |
false |
curve max deviation |
-1.0 |
curve max angle |
10 |
curve max length |
0.1 |
Cutting Sections
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
cutting section level |
cutting section capping level |
cutting section material preference |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
cylinder tessellation |
48 |
cylinder orientation |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
display debugging resource monitor |
false |
Drawing Attributes
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
world handedness |
polygon handedness |
drawing deferral |
0 |
overlay |
face displacement |
8 |
vertex displacement |
false |
general displacement |
false |
depth range near |
0 |
depth range far |
1 |
screen range |
1 |
Edge Attributes
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
edge pattern |
solid |
edge weight |
1.0 |
Exchange Export Options
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
ACIS use millimeter units instead of the native units |
false |
ACIS write binary file |
false |
FBX data in ascii form |
false |
FBX texture export folder |
GLTF data in ascii form |
false |
GLTF texture export folder |
IGES convert analytic surfaces to NURBS |
false |
IGES convert polyhedrics to wireframe data |
false |
IGES set solids as faces |
false |
IGES export hidden objects |
false |
IGES export tessellation |
false |
JT content type |
JT export hidden objects |
false |
JT export PMI |
true |
JT export version |
Parasolid export solids as faces |
false |
Parasolid export tessellation |
false |
Parasolid export explode multi bodies |
false |
Parasolid export hidden objects |
false |
PRC tessellation compression |
false |
PRC B-rep compression |
PRC B-rep removal |
false |
PRC attribute removal |
false |
STEP format |
STEP export analytic surfaces as NURBS |
false |
STEP export polyhedrics as wireframes |
false |
STEP set name shortening |
false |
STL write binary |
false |
STL tessellation level |
STL tessellation accuracy |
STL tessellation retention |
false |
STL maximum edge length |
0 |
STL units |
U3D version |
XML export metadata |
true |
XML export transformations |
true |
XML export materials |
true |
Exchange Import Options
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
B-rep mode |
solids |
true |
surfaces |
true |
wireframes |
true |
true |
attributes |
false |
hidden objects |
true |
construction and references |
false |
active filter |
true |
constraints info |
false |
feature trees |
false |
drawings |
false |
treat long wireframe as construct and references |
true |
long wireframe threshold |
24690.0 |
default units |
PMI default units |
PMI precision |
0 |
PMI default color |
tessellation level |
tessellation accuracy |
tessellation preserves UV points |
false |
tessellation maximum edge length |
0 |
CATIA V4 logical root dir name |
null |
CATIA V4 logical name searching |
false |
CATIA V5 cache |
false |
CATIA V5 cache path |
null |
Unigraphics preferred reference set count |
0 |
Unigraphics preferred reference sets |
null |
Unigraphics preferred reference sets apply to subassemblies |
false |
Unigraphics fitted camera |
false |
Pro-E code page name |
null |
Pro-E dimension tolerance |
false |
Pro-E sub part PMI |
false |
Pro-E session color |
STEP name preference |
STEP first color preference |
false |
STEP code page name |
null |
STEP shell based surface model splitting |
true |
STEP orientation healing |
false |
IFC code page name |
null |
IFC attribute XML file |
null |
IFC owner history optimization |
true |
IFC face optimization |
true |
IFC edges |
false |
IFC metadata |
true |
IFC relationships |
true |
IFC openings |
false |
3D PDF stream index |
0 |
JT tessellation level |
large translation extraction |
false |
user data index |
1 |
cutoff value |
12000 |
true color mode |
false |
Exchange Model File Import Options
Setting |
Default |
Setter method |
IFC edges |
false |
tessellation accuracy |
HPS::Exchange::Tessellation::Accuracy::Standard |
tessellation level |
HPS::Exchange::Tessellation::Level::Medium |
tessellation maximum edge length |
0 |
tessellation preserve UV points |
false |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
hardcopy width |
8.5 |
hardcopy height |
11.0 |
hardcopy units |
hardcopy resolution |
300.0 |
hardcopy resolution units |
hardcopy resolution WYSIWYG |
true |
Highlight Options
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
notification |
false |
overlay |
subentity highlighting |
false |
n/a |
Image Export
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
image export format” |
Lighting Attributes
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
lighting interpolation faces |
lighting interpolation edges |
Line Attributes
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
line pattern |
solid |
line weight |
1.0f |
Marker Attributes
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
marker size |
0.3 |
marker symbol |
solid_circle |
Material Mapping
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
front faces diffuse color |
front faces specular color |
front faces mirror color |
front faces emission color |
front faces gloss |
5 |
back faces diffuse color |
back faces specular color |
back faces mirror color |
back faces emission color |
back faces gloss |
5 |
edges diffuse color |
edges specular color |
edges mirror color |
edges emission color |
edges gloss |
5 |
vertex color |
vertices specular color |
vertices mirror color |
vertices emission color |
vertices gloss |
5 |
cut faces diffuse color |
cut edges diffuse color |
cut faces specular color |
cut faces mirror color |
cut faces emission color |
cut faces gloss |
5 |
light color |
lights ambient up color |
lights ambient down color |
marker color |
line color |
text color |
window background color |
window contrast color |
NURBS Surfaces
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
NURBS surface max trim curve deviation |
0.005 |
NURBS trim curve budget |
500 |
NURBS surface max facet deviation |
1.0 |
NURBS surface max facet angle |
20.0 |
NURBS surface max facet width |
1.42 |
NURBS surface budget |
10000 |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
import format |
import user fields |
false |
import attribute mismatch behavior |
import compound body behavior |
import facet tessellation |
import line tessellation |
export format |
Performance Control
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
static model |
display lists |
Post-Process Effects
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
ambient occlusion enabled |
false |
ambient occlusion strength |
1.0 |
ambient occlusion quality |
fast silhouette edges enabled |
false |
fast silhouette edges tolerance |
1.0 |
fast silhouette edges heavy exterior |
false |
bloom enabled |
false |
bloom strength |
1.0 |
blur |
5 |
bloom shape |
5 |
depth of field enabled |
false |
depth of field strength |
1.0 |
depth of field near distance |
depth of field far distance |
eye dome lighting |
disabled |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
search behavior |
n/a |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
window selectability |
edges selectability |
faces selectability |
lights selectability |
lines selectability |
markers selectability |
vertices selectability |
text selectability |
Selection Options
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
sorting enabled |
true |
related limit |
5 |
internal limit |
1 |
algorithm |
granularity |
level |
proximity |
0.2 |
extent culling respected |
false |
deferral extent culling respected |
false |
frustum culling respected |
true |
vector culling respected |
false |
distance culling respected |
false |
volume culling respected |
false |
face culling respected |
HPS::Culling::Face::Off |
Shell Optimization
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
orphan elimination |
true |
tolerance |
0.01 |
tolerance units |
Shell Relation
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
shell relation tolerance |
0 |
shell relation nearest face |
false |
shell relation test |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
sphere tessellation |
50 |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
spotlight inner cone |
80 |
spotlight outer cone |
30 |
spotlight concentration |
1.0 |
Stream Export
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
stream export color compression |
false |
stream export connectivity compression |
false |
stream export image compression |
false |
stream export index compression |
false |
stream export normal compression |
false |
stream export parameter compression |
false |
stream export vertex compression |
false |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
window background orientation |
window frame |
subwindow border |
false |
axis triad subwindow size |
0.2 |
navigation cube subwindow size |
0.2 |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
alignment |
reference frame |
justification |
font |
Arial |
font directory Android |
/system/fonts |
font directory OS X |
<HOME>/Library/Fonts;/Library/Fonts;/System/Library/Fonts |
font directory Windows |
font directory Linux |
<HOME>/.fonts;/usr/share/fonts;/usr/local/share/fonts |
transforms |
size |
0.03 |
size tolerance |
true, 50 |
line spacing |
1.0 |
rotation |
0 |
extra space enabled |
false |
extra space size |
0 |
slant |
0 |
greeking enabled |
false |
greeking mode |
underline |
false |
strikethrough |
false |
overline |
false |
preference |
cutoff |
0 |
renderer |
path |
bold |
false |
italic |
false |
Texture Options
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
decal |
false |
down sampling |
false |
interpolation filter |
modulation |
false |
parameterization source |
parameter offset |
0 |
tiling |
transform matrix |
identity matrix |
Transform Masks
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
modelling matrix transform mask |
false |
camera transform mask |
false |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
depth writing enabled |
false |
algorithm |
method |
number of depth peeling layers |
0 |
depth peeling minimum area |
false |
Update Options
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
window update |
window update time limit |
-1.0 |
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
faces |
true |
lines |
true |
markers |
true |
vertex |
false |
cutting planes |
true |
text |
true |
windows |
true |
generic edges |
false |
perimeter edges |
true |
adjacent edges |
true |
hard edges |
true |
hard edge angle |
135 |
mesh quad edges |
true |
interior silhouette edges |
true |
non-culled edges |
true |
cut geometry faces |
false |
cut edges |
false |
shadow casting |
true |
shadow receiving |
true |
shadow emitting |
true |
face lights |
true |
edge lights |
false |
marker lights |
false |
Visual Effects
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
full screen anti-alias |
true |
simple reflection enabled |
false |
simple reflection opacity |
0.5 |
simple reflection blurring |
1 |
simple reflection fading |
false |
simple reflection near distance |
0 |
simple reflection far distance |
simple reflection plane |
simple reflection visibility |
everything is visible |
post process effects enabled |
true |
simple shadow enabled |
false |
simple shadow resolution |
256 |
simple shadow blurring |
1 |
simple shadow ignore transparency |
false |
simple shadow plane |
simple shadow light direction |
simple shadow color |
simple shadow opacity |
1 |
shadow maps enabled |
false |
shadow maps jitter enabled |
true |
shadow maps view dependent |
true |
shadow maps resolution |
1024 |
shadow maps number of samples |
4 |
Window Options
Setting |
Default value |
Setter method |
window mobility, stretching, and resizing |
renderable subscreen |
window title |
<application name> |
anti-alias level |
4 (disabled in software rendering) |
anti-alias capable |
true |
framebuffer retention |
true |
driver |
offscreen window anti-alias samples |
4 |
offscreen window opacity |
1.0 |
implicit subwindow |
fixed framerate |
0 (off) |