
class HPS::Transparency

This is the Transparency Class

Public Types

enum Algorithm

Transparency Algorithm


enumerator None

No sorting will be performed, but transparent objects will be deferred (drawn on top). If overlapping transparent objects are present the rendering will not be accurate.

enumerator Painters

Will produce a completely accurate rendering of transparent objects which are overlapping other transparent objects, but tends to be slow.

enumerator ZSortNicest

Sorts every transparent triangle in a shell by its mid-point. This algorithm can result in rendering artifacts at locations where transparent objects intersect with one another.

enumerator ZSortFastest

Sorts transparent tristrips in a shell by the mid-point of the entire tristrip. This algorithm can result in rendering artifacts at locations where transparent objects intersect with one another.

enumerator DepthPeeling

Non-sorting technique based on multi-pass drawing, and leverages hardware acceleration to quickly produce an accurate rendering. Will give varying accuracy and performance results based on the number of ‘layers’ that are specified by the user.

enumerator WeightedBlended

Non-sorting technique which blends and approximates transparent objects based on the distance from the camera.

enum AreaUnits

Transparency Area Units


enumerator Percent

Transparency Area Units.

enumerator Pixels

Transparency Area Units.

enum Method

Transparency Method


enumerator None

This will disable transparency, overriding all other transparency settings and forcing geometry to be opaque.

enumerator Blended

The transparent object will be blended with the color of the underlying object.

enumerator ScreenDoor

This is a pseudo-transparency algorithm that sacrifices visual quality to improve performance.

enum Preference

Transparency Preference


enumerator Nicest

Quality should be favored at the possible cost of performance.

enumerator Fastest

Performance should be favored at the possible cost of some loss in image quality.