class HPS::RGBAColor

Public Functions

inline HPS_INLINE bool Equals (RGBAColor const &c, int in_tolerance=32) const
inline HPS_INLINE float Gray () const
inline HPS_INLINE bool IsGray () const
inline HPS_INLINE bool IsValid () const
inline HPS_INLINE bool operator!= (RGBAColor const &c) const

Determines RGBA non-equivalency between this object and argument.


c – The color object to test against


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise

inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const operator* (float s) const
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const operator* (RGBAColor const &c) const
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const operator* (RGBColor const &c) const
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor & operator*= (float s)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor & operator*= (RGBAColor const &c)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor & operator*= (RGBColor const &c)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const operator+ (float s) const
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const operator+ (RGBAColor const &c) const
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const operator+ (RGBColor const &c) const
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor & operator+= (float s)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor & operator+= (RGBAColor const &c)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor & operator+= (RGBColor const &c)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const operator- (float s) const
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const operator- (RGBAColor const &c) const
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const operator- (RGBColor const &c) const
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor & operator-= (float s)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor & operator-= (RGBAColor const &c)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor & operator-= (RGBColor const &c)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const operator/ (float s) const
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor & operator/= (float s)
inline HPS_INLINE bool operator== (RGBAColor const &c) const

Determines RGBA equivalency between this object and argument.


c – The color object to test against


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise

inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor()
inline explicit HPS_INLINE RGBAColor(float gray, float a = 1)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor(float r, float g, float b, float a = 1)
explicit HPS_INLINE RGBAColor(RGBA32Color const &c32)
explicit HPS_INLINE RGBAColor(RGBAS32Color const &c32)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor(RGBColor const &c)
inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor(RGBColor const &c, float a)

Public Members

float alpha

Alpha component of this color object, from 0.0 to 1.0

float blue

Blue component of this color object, from 0.0 to 1.0

float green

Green component of this color object, from 0.0 to 1.0

float red

Red component of this color object, from 0.0 to 1.0

Public Static Functions

static inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor Black ()
static inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor Invalid ()
static inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor Nothing ()
static inline HPS_INLINE RGBAColor White ()