class HPS::Animation : public HPS::Sprocket
The Animation class is used to animate objects in the scene through the creation of one or more Channels. An Animation is owned by a Model, and as such needs to be created through the Model::CreateAnimation function. Animation objects are only valid for playback if they contain one or more Channel objects.
Public Functions
Channel AddCameraPositionChannel(char const *in_name, PointSampler const &in_sampler)
Creates a Channel suitable for animating the camera’s position and adds it to this Animation.
Channel AddCameraTargetChannel(char const *in_name, PointSampler const &in_sampler)
Creates a Channel suitable for animating the camera’s target and adds it to this Animation.
Channel AddCameraUpChannel(char const *in_name, VectorSampler const &in_sampler)
Creates a Channel suitable for animating the camera’s up vector and adds it to this Animation.
Channel AddColorChannel(char const *in_name, KeyPath const &in_target, RGBColorSampler const &in_sampler)
Creates a Channel suitable for animating the target’s faces color and adds it to this Animation.
- Parameters
- Returns
Channel AddColorChannel(char const *in_name, KeyPath const &in_target, RGBColorSampler const &in_sampler, HPS::ChannelColorUsageArray in_channel_usages)
Creates a Channel suitable for animating the target’s color and adds it to this Animation.
- Parameters
in_name – A name used to identify this Channel.
in_target – The segment on which the changes described by this Channel will be applied during the Animation playback.
in_sampler – A sampler containing RGBColor keyframes, describing the changes to be applied to in_target
in_channel_usages – The types of the target of this Channel that will be changed during the Animation. over time.
- Returns
Channel AddOpacityChannel(char const *in_name, KeyPath const &in_target, FloatSampler const &in_sampler)
Creates a Channel suitable for animating the target’s opacity and adds it to this Animation.
- Parameters
- Returns
Channel AddRotationChannel(char const *in_name, KeyPath const &in_target, QuaternionSampler const &in_sampler)
Creates a Channel suitable for animating the target’s rotation and adds it to this Animation.
- Parameters
- Returns
Channel AddScaleChannel(char const *in_name, KeyPath const &in_target, VectorSampler const &in_sampler)
Creates a Channel suitable for animating the target’s scale and adds it to this Animation.
- Parameters
- Returns
Channel AddTranslationChannel(char const *in_name, KeyPath const &in_target, VectorSampler const &in_sampler)
Creates a Channel suitable for animating the target’s position and adds it to this Animation.
- Parameters
- Returns
bool Equals(Animation const &in_that) const
Check if the source Animation points to the same underlying impl as this Animation.
ChannelArray const &GetChannels() const
Returns a list of Channels currently associated with this Animation.
- Returns
a list of Channels currently associated with this Animation.
UTF8 const &GetName() const
Returns the name given to this Animation when it was created.
- Returns
The name of this Animation.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
bool operator!=(Animation const &in_that) const
Check if the source Animation points to a different impl than this Animation.
bool operator==(Animation const &in_that) const
Check if the source Animation points to the same underlying impl as this Animation.
void RemoveChannel(Channel &in_channel)
Removes a Channel from this Animation and deletes it.
- Parameters
in_channel – The channel to remove from this Animation.
Public Static Attributes
static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::Animation
Channel AddCameraPositionChannel(char const *in_name, PointSampler const &in_sampler)