
class HPS::Exchange::Tessellation

The Exchange::Tessellation class is a concept class for tessellation-related enums.

Public Types

enum Accuracy

Enumerates the tessellation accuracy modes for files imported or exported via HOOPS Exchange.


enumerator Standard

Tessellation suitable for visualization (either A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_bAccurateTessellation or A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_bAccurateTessellation set to false)

enumerator Accurate

Tessellation suitable for analysis (either A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_bAccurateTessellation or A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_bAccurateTessellation set to true)

enumerator GridAccurate

Tessellation suitable for analysis (either A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_bAccurateTessellationWithGrid

enum Level

Enumerates the standard tessellation levels for files imported or exported via Exchange.


enumerator ExtraLow

Pre-defined extra low tessellation level (kA3DTessLODExtraLow).

enumerator Low


Pre-defined low tessellation level (<a target=”_blank”

enumerator Medium

Pre-defined medium tessellation level (kA3DTessLODMedium).

enumerator High


Pre-defined high tessellation level (<a target=”_blank”

enumerator ExtraHigh

Pre-defined extra high tessellation level (kA3DTessLODExtraHigh).

class Chord

The Exchange::Tessellation::Chord class is a concept class for chord-tessellation-related enums.

Public Types

enum Limit

Enumerates the type of chord limit that will be used to generate tessellation.


enumerator Ratio

The limit will correspond to the chord height ratio (either A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dChordHeightRatio or A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_dChordHeightRatio).

enumerator Height

The limit will correspond to the maximum chord height (either A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dMaxChordHeight or A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_dMaxChordHeight).