RED.h |
New stuff
Changed the RED::Break prototype for error tracking needs.
Removal of RED_RC_ASSERT and other macros, replaced with new RED_RC* macros for error tracking needs.
Modified the RED::ProgressCallback type: added user data pointer.
REDFactory.h |
New tokens
REDFRameStatistics.h |
New methods
Added RED::PassStatistics::As typing methods.
Added RED::ViewpointStatistics::As typing methods.
Added RED::FrameStatistics::As typing methods.
REDIAnimationClipController.h |
New methods
REDICloudsVolumeShape.h |
New methods
REDIFont.h |
New method
REDILightShape.h |
New enums
REDIMaterial.h |
New methods
Modified methods
REDIMaterialController.h |
New defines
REDIMeshShape.h |
New methods
RED::IMeshShape::SortPolygons to sort all triangles in a mesh along a viewing direction.
RED::IMeshShape::Polygon: Tessellate a polygon and indicates the resulting vertex mapping to look back to extra vertex attributes.
Modified methods
REDIOTools.h |
Methods changes
New methods
Methods changes
REDIResourceManager.h |
New methods
RED::IResourceManager::CreateColorFontMaterial to create a color material for the visualization of RED::FNT_TRIANGLE, RED::FNT_LINE and RED::FNT_BITMAP fonts, after the migration of built-in shaders to high definition matrices.
RED::IResourceManager::SetErrorCallback and the corresponding accessor to setup an error tracking callback.
New types
Methods changes
Modified RED::IResourceManager::SetInterruptCallback: Added user data that can be sent to the interruption callback.
Modified RED::IResourceManager::GetInterruptCallback to return both the callback and its user data.
Modified RED::IResourceManager::RegisterShadingCallback: Added user data to send to the callback.
Modified RED::IResourceManager::GetShadingCallback: Return the callback and the user data.
REDIShape.h |
Changed methods
RED::USER_SWITCH_CALLBACK: Added user data to the callback.
RED::IShape::SetContextSwitchCallback: Added user data.
RED::IShape::GetContextSwitchCallback: Returns both the callback and its associated user data.
RED::IShape::SetVisibilitySwitchCallback: Added user data.
RED::IShape::GetVisibilitySwitchCallback: Returns both the callback and its associated user data.
REDISkyLightShape.h |
New enumerations
New methods
RED::ISkyLightShape::AddClouds: Add clouds to the sky model.
RED::ISkyLightShape::UpdateClouds: Update clouds.
RED::ISkyLightShape::ClearClouds: Remove clouds from the sky model.
Modified methods
REDISoftLight.h |
Removed method
REDISoftRayContext.h |
New method
Modified method
REDISoftRenderingContext.h |
New method
REDIViewpoint.h |
New types
New methods
RED::IViewpoint::SetInstanceCounterImageCallback and accessor: Manage the instance counter callback for image parameters.
RED::IViewpoint::SetCustomClipPlanes and accessor: Define custom clip planes equations for a RED::VPT_CUSTOM viewpoint.
Changed methods
RED::IViewpoint::SetInstanceCounterCallback and RED::IViewpoint::GetInstanceCounterCallback: Added setup or access to user data.
RED::IViewpoint::SetInstanceCounterImageCallback and RED::IViewpoint::GetInstanceCounterImageCallback: Added setup or access to user data.
REDIVolumeShape.h |
New methods
RED::IVolumeShape::SetLightRayMaxSamples and accessor: Define the maximal number of samples used during ray-marching to the lights.
RED::IVolumeShape::SetLightRayMarchingStepIncrease: Define the variable increment during ray-marching to the lights
REDIWindow.h |
New methods
Modified methods
REDMemoryAllocator.h |
New defines
REDMemoryLeakTracker.h |
Changed methods
REDOptionList.h |
New options
RED::OPTIONS_SAMPLER: Rendering sampler selection (fixed / adaptive).
RED::OPTIONS_RAY_ADAPTIVE_SAMPLING_THRESHOLD: Setup the amount of adaptation in software ray-tracer calculations.
RED::OPTIONS_RAY_MAX_SECONDARY_RAY_INTENSITY: Clamp fireflies (bright spots of lights seen directly through reflective / refractive surfaces) in an image.
REDPostProcess.h |
New methods
New methods for post-processing
RED::PostProcess::SetSharpen, RED::PostProcess::GetSharpen.
RED::PostProcess::SetGlow, RED::PostProcess::GetGlow.
RED::PostProcess::SetBlur, RED::PostProcess::GetBlur.
RED::PostProcess::SetDOF, RED::PostProcess::GetDOF.
RED::PostProcess::SetBrightness, RED::PostProcess::GetBrightness.
RED::PostProcess::SetContrast, RED::PostProcess::GetContrast.
RED::PostProcess::SetHSL, RED::PostProcess::GetHSL.
RED::PostProcess::SetLevels, RED::PostProcess::GetLevels.
Methods name changes
REDRandom.h |
New methods
RED::RNG::As typing methods.
RED::Random::As typing methods.
RED::FastRandom::As typing methods.
REDRenderCode.h |
Methods name changes
RED::RenderCode::SetHighDefinitionModelViewMatrix is renamed as RED::RenderCode::SetModelViewMatrix and is turned on by default.
RED::RenderCode::GetHighDefinitionModelViewMatrix is renamed as RED::RenderCode::GetModelViewMatrix.
RED::RenderCode::SetHightDefinitionModelViewProjectionMatrix is renamed as RED::RenderCode::SetModelViewProjectionMatrix and is turned on by default.
RED::RenderCode::GetHightDefinitionModelViewProjectionMatrix is renamed as RED::RenderCode::GetModelViewProjectionMatrix.
REDRenderShaderAmbient.h |
Modified methods
REDRenderShaderParameter.h |
New enums
REDShaderProgramID.h |
New enums
REDSoftShaderCallback.h |
Changed methods
REDStateShader.h |
New methods
REDStreamingPolicy.h |
New methods
Changed methods
RED::StreamingPolicy::UNKNOWN_CHUNK_CALLBACK: Added user data.
RED::StreamingPolicy::SetUnknownChunkPolicy, RED::StreamingPolicy::GetUnknownChunkPolicy: Added user data.
REDString.h |
New method
REDTimer.h |
New methods
REDThreads.h |
New methods
REDUserData.h |
New methods
REDVolumetricEffect.h |
New method
REDVolumetricEffectBoxVolume.h |
New methods
REDVolumetricEffectClouds.h |
New file. |
REDVolumetricEffectLightVolume.h |
New methods
REDWindowRenderInfo.h |
New methods
RNETIPeer.h |
New methods