RCLI***.h |
New files: All the REDsdk API exposed in C# |
REDFrameStatistics.h |
New parameters
New methods
Added new RED::FrameStatistics copy construction method and RED::FrameStatistics::operator = assignment operator.
New cluster timing measurement methods: RED::FrameStatistics::GetClusterFlushTime, RED::FrameStatistics::GetClusterGPUUpdateTime, RED::FrameStatistics::GetClusterEventsCount.
New RED::FrameStatistics::GetVRL method that was missing.
REDIGICache.h |
Modified methods
New methods
RED::IGICache::GetGPUMaterial: Access the GPU material setup for the cache on the GPU.
RED::IGICache::GetGPUMesh: Access the GPU mesh containing the GI cache for the GPU.
RED::IGICache::CopyFrom: Perform a GI cache copy.
REDIImage2D.h |
Modified methods
REDILineShape.h |
New methods
RED::ILineShape::IsSegmentsAdjacency: Query the existence of segment adjacency informations.
RED::ILineShape::AddSegmentsAdjacency: New line shape data method with segment adjacency information for advanced shaders.
RED::ILineShape::SetSegmentAdjacency: Setup the adjacency for a single segment.
RED::ILineShape::SetSharedSegmentsAdjacency: Define shared arrays for segments adjacency.
RED::ILineShape::BuildSegmentsAdjacency: Constructs the adjacency information for an object’s segments.
RED::ILineShape:: RemoveSegmentsAdjacency: Cleanup of segments adjacency informations.
REDIMeshShape.h |
New methods
RED::IMeshShape::IsTrianglesAdjacency: Query the existence of triangle adjacency informations.
RED::IMeshShape::AddTrianglesAdjacency: New mesh shape data method with triangle adjacency information for advanced shaders.
RED::IMeshShape::SetTriangleAdjacency: Setup the adjacency for a single triangle.
RED::IMeshShape::SetSharedTrianglessAdjacency: Define shared arrays for triangles adjacency.
RED::IMeshShape::BuildTrianglesAdjacency: Constructs the adjacency information for an object’s triangles.
RED::IMeshShape:: RemoveTrianglesAdjacency: Cleanup of triangles adjacency informations.
REDIOTools.h |
New parameters
Modified methods
REDIResourceManager.h |
New methods
REDISoftRayContext.h |
New methods
REDITransformShape.h |
New methods
RED::ITransformShape::IsSubMaterialsOverride: Do we have an override of material inheritance rules here?
RED::ITransformShape::SetSubMaterialsOverride: Override the scene graph material inheritance rules locally.
RED::ITransformShape::BuildHLR: Polyhedral HLR generation.
REDIViewpoint.h |
New built-in floating origin methods
RED::IViewpoint::GetFloatingEye; RED::IViewpoint::GetFloatingSight; RED::IViewpoint::GetFloatingTop; RED::IViewpoint::GetFloatingRight.
RED::IViewpoint::GetFloatingViewingMatrix, RED::IViewpoint::GetFloatingInvertViewingMatrix, RED::IViewpoint::GetViewingViewProjectionMatrix.
RED::IViewpoint::SetFloatingOrigin and RED::IViewpoint::GetFloatingOrigin to define the floating origin on a camera.
REDIViewpointRenderList.h |
New floating origin management methods
REDIWindow.h |
Modified methods
REDMatrix.h |
Modified methods
REDNoise.h |
New methods
REDOptionList.h |
New options
RED::OPTIONS_RAY_ENABLE_DENOISER: Activate the image denoiser as the last rendering step of an image.
RED::OPTIONS_RAY_DENOISER_STRENGTH: Configuration of the denoiser.
RED::OPTIONS_RAY_DENOISER_RADIUS: Configuration of the denoiser.
RED::OPTIONS_RAY_TRANSPARENCY_FFP_GPU: Configuration of the accuracy of ray-traced transparencies transformations matrices.
REDPostProcess.h |
New methods
RED::PostProcess::SetSharpenKernelSize and RED::PostProcess::GetSharpenKernelSize to control the size of the sharpen detection kernel.
Similarly, RED::PostProcess::SetGlowKernelSize and RED::PostProcess::GetGlowKernelSize for the glow effect.
RED::PostProcess::SetBlurKernelSize and RED::PostProcess::GetBlurKernelSize for the blur effect.
RED::PostProcess::SetDOFKernelSize and RED::PostProcess::GetDOFKernelSize for the depth of field effect.
RED::PostProcess::SetLegacyBrightnessContrast and RED::PostProcess::GetLegacyBrightnessContrast to toggle between the old and new brightness and contrast calculation methods.
Modified methods
REDProduct.h |
New parameters
REDRenderShader.h |
New parameters
RED::GEO_LINE_SEGMENTS_ADJACENCY: Adjacency management for line segments,
RED::GEO_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY: Adjacency management for triangles.
New methods
REDRenderShaderParameter.h |
New references
RED::RenderShaderParameter::REF_VRL_VIEW_PROJECTION_VIEWPORT_MATRIX: Access to pipeline matrices in shaders.
RED::RenderShaderParameter::REF_VRL_MODEL_MATRIX: Access to pipeline matrices in shaders.
RED::RenderShaderParameter::REF_VRL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX: Access to pipeline matrices in shaders.
RED::RenderShaderParameter::REF_VRL_MODELVIEW_PROJECTION_MATRIX: Access to pipeline matrices in shaders.
REDShaderProgramID.h |
New parameter
REDStateShader.h |
New parameters
New methods
REDStreamingPolicy.h |
New methods
REDVector3.h |
New methods
REDVector4.h |
New methods
RPL***.h |
New files: The new REDart API. |