





Detailed Description

class IChunkSaver : public RED::IREDObject

Interface that exposes chunk saving method.

@related class RED::ChunkInterpretersDictionary, class RED::IREDFile, class RED::IStream

When saving a file, objects implementing this interface will automatically be called by the RED::IStream::SaveChunk method to save ourselves to the stream. A corresponding RED::IChunkInterpreterProto implementation should exist in order to reload data saved using this interface.

Subclassed by RED::LayerSet, RED::RenderCode, RED::RenderShaderParameter, RED::Shader, RED::UserDataRaw, RED::VolumetricEffect

Public Functions

virtual RED_RC Save(RED::IStream *iStream, RED::StreamingPolicy &iPolicy, int iState = -1) const = 0

Saves the object content as one or more chunks in the given stream.

  • iStream – Pointer to the stream where the data must be saved.

  • iPolicy – Reference to the streaming policy to be used.

  • iState – Optional state number parameter at which the data to be saved must be retrieved. Default is set to 0 (for current state).


RED_OK on success,

RED_FILE_WRITE_ERROR on a file write error (if iStream is a file stream),

RED_ALLOC_FAILURE on a memory allocation error,

RED_FAIL otherwise.

Public Static Functions

static inline RED::CID GetClassID()