Enumerating a Material Controller’s Properties

Enumerating the properties of a controller is simple. First, one needs to get the controller from a given material:

// iresmgr is the resource manager.
// mat is a material.

// Get the material controller from the material.
RED::Object* matctrl = iresmgr->GetMaterialController( mat );
RED::IMaterialController* imatctrl = matctrl->As< RED::IMaterialController >();

Then, the controller property gives access to its number of properties via the RED::IMaterialController::GetPropertiesCount method and to its properties by index or by name with the RED::IMaterialController::GetProperty function:

// Get the number of properties.
unsigned int count = imatctrl->GetPropertiesCount();

// Loop through the properties.
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
    // Get the property.
    RED::Object* prop = imatctrl->GetProperty( i );
    RED::IMaterialControllerProperty* iprop = prop->As< RED::IMaterialControllerProperty >();

    // Get the type of the property.
    RED::PROPERTY_TYPE type = iprop->GetType();

    // Do something according to the property type.
    switch( type )
        case RED::PYT_FLOAT:
            float value = iprop->GetFloatValue();
        // Do something...
        RC_TEST( iprop->SetFloatValue( value, iresmgr->GetState() ) );
        case RED::PYT_COLOR:
            RED::Color color = iprop->GetColor();
            // Do something...
            RC_TEST( iprop->SetColor( color, iresmgr->GetState() ) );
        case RED::PYT_TEXTURE2D:
            const RED::Object* texture = iprop->GetTexture();
            const RED::IImage2D* itexture = texture->As< RED::IImage2D >();
            // Do something...
        // etc.