Load an Encrypted .red File

Here is how to know if a file is encrypted or not:

// iresmgr is a pointer to the RED::IResourceManager interface.
RED::Object* red_file = RED::Factory::CreateInstance( CID_REDFile );
RED::IREDFile* ifile = red_file->As< RED::IREDFile >();

RED::StreamingPolicy policy;
RED::FileHeader fheader;
RED::FileInfo finfo;
RED::Vector< unsigned int > context;

RED_RC rc = ifile->Load( "./my_file.red", iresmgr->GetState(), policy, fheader, finfo, context );
if( rc == RED_OK )
    // File is not encrypted.
else if( rc == RED_ENCRYPTED_FILE )
    // File is encrypte: prompt the user for the right encryption key.
    // An error occured: look at rc to identify the issue.

The key is not stored into the encrypted file and people wanting to read the file must have previously received the key through another mean.

// iresmgr is a pointer to the RED::IResourceManager interface.
RED::Object* red_file = RED::Factory::CreateInstance( CID_REDFile );
RED::IREDFile* ifile = red_file->As< RED::IREDFile >();

RED::StreamingPolicy policy;
RED::FileHeader fheader;
RED::FileInfo finfo;
RED::Vector< unsigned int > context;

RED::String encryption_key = "encryption key used to encrypt the source file";

// Loading and decrypting are done simultaneously by the next call.
RC_TEST( ifile->Load( "./my_file.red", iresmgr->GetState(), policy, fheader, finfo, context, 0, encryption_key ) );