ART.h |
Global namespace migration of the REDart API, from namespace RPL to namespace ART. All ART include files have been updated.
New helper macros to access the most common ART objects.
ARTIAssetManager.h |
New methods
ART::IAssetManager::DeleteAtlas: Cleanup of a loaded atlas.
ART::IAssetManager::CreateAtlas and ART::IAssetManager::DeleteAtlas: Creation and destruction of a flat atlas.
ART::IAssetManager::DeleteGeometry: Cleanup of a created geometry.
ART::IAssetManager::BuildGeometryREDGraph: Turn an ART geometry into a plain REDsdk scene graph.
ART::IAssetManager::StopGenerateGeometryGICache: Interrupt a GI cache calculation.
ART::IAssetManager::ClearGeometryGICache: Helper to cleanup a geometry GI cache.
ART::IAssetManager::DeleteReflectionProbesMaps: Cleanup of reflection probes maps.
ART::IAssetManager::StopGenerateGeometryVertexAO: Interrupt a geometry vertex AO calculation.
ART::IAssetManager::DeleteLightStaticShadowMaps: New methods to cleanup the memory of static shadow maps.
Modified methods
ART::IAssetManager::LoadAtlas: The RED::IDataManager loading context is now returned for a proper memory cleanup.
ART::IAssetManager::LoadGeometrySourceFile: No more gamma control on import, an option to select the storage mode of textures, progress callback.
ART::IAssetManager::GenerateGeometryGICache: Added a ground handling option.
ART::IAssetManager::SaveGeometryGICache, ART::IAssetManager::LoadGeometryGICache: Added a sun direction option that corresponds to the cache saved.
ART::IAssetManager::LoadReflectionProbeMaps: Retrieved the data context for a proper memory cleanup.
ART::IAssetManager::GenerateGIFilteringPositions: Added a ground altitude control.
ART::IAssetManager::ComputeShapePaths: New option flag to add the shape itself in generated paths.
Removed methods
ARTIGeometry.h |
Modified methods
Removed methods
ARTILight.h |
New methods
ART::ILight::GetSphereRadius: for physical spherical lights.
ART::ILight::GetShadowMapBlur, ART::ILight::SetShadowMapBlur: Control the light shadow map blur.
ART::ILight::SetIESData: Specify IES parameters retrieved from the ART::IAssetManager.
ARTIMaterial.h |
New file. ART material. |
ARTIObserver.h |
New methods
ART::IObserver::GetNearFarBackground: Return clipping planes for the background scenery.
Background near far override API: ART::IObserver::OverrideNearFarBackground and related accessors.
ART::IObserver::GetPrimaryRay: Return the picking line getting through a pixel.
ARTIOptions.h |
New ART::DISPLAY_MODE value, ART::DM_OBJECT_ID to visualize object IDs in a scene
New API to control switching fields of views for different display categories (a star in a sky, close orbit): ART::IOptions::SetStarInTheSkyFOVRatio, ART::IOptions::SetCloseOrbitFOVRatio and corresponding accessors
Removed methods (will be remade public through another API directly at the planetary or atlas level)
ART::IOptions::SetStarRadianceMultiplier and ART::IOptions::GetStarRadianceMultiplier: to control the star radiance.
ART::IOptions::SetSkyRadianceMultiplier and ART::IOptions::GetSkyRadianceMultiplier: to control the sky radiance.
ART::IOptions::SetSkyMultiplier and ART::IOptions::GetSkyMultiplier: to control the visible sky intensity.
ART::IOptions::SetCloudsGroundAlbedo and ART::IOptions::GetCloudsGroundAlbedo: Useless after improvements of the shading model.
ART::IOptions::SetLightShadowMapBlur and ART::IOptions::GetLightShadowMapBlur: Moved to lights and customizable on a per light basis.
New methods
ART::IOptions::SetAtmosphericCloudShadows and ART::IOptions::GetAtmosphericCloudShadows: Control the shadowing of clouds over the atmosphere.
ART::IOptions::SetStarGIStrengthInShadows and ART::IOptions::GetStarGIStrengthInShadows: Control the backlighting and GI produced by the sun in shadowed regions.
ART::IOptions::SetPrismsSplatOverlap and ART::IOptions::GetPrismsSplatOverlap: Control the distance overlapping of prisms with splatting.
ART::IOptions::SetThreadsCount, ART::IOptions::GetThreadsCount: Control the number of threads used for all ART calculations.
ART::IOptions::SetPlanetLandscapeThreadsCount and ART::IOptions::GetPlanetLandscapeThreadsCount: Set the number of auxiliary threads needed to calculate a landscape.
ARTIPlanet.h |
New methods
Modified methods
Removed methods
ARTIWorld.h |
New methods
ART::IWorld::GetStar to access to the star of a solar or earth based system.
ART::IWorld::OverrideGlobalTime, ART::IWorld::GetGlobalTimeOverride: Gain control over the simulation time.
Modified methods
REDFrameStatistics.h |
New RED::RENDERING_PROGRESS_STEP: RED::RPS_WORLD_GI_CACHE_PROCESSING used to track the progress of world GI caches calculations. |
REDImageTools.h |
Fixed some methods wrong prototypes. |
REDIOTools.h |
Added a iLocalImages parameter to choose the storage mode of images to the RED::IOTools::Load method. |
REDIMaterial.h |
New RED::MTL_INTERNAL pass marker that can be returned to new OpenGL material customization callback (see RED::OPENGL_MATERIAL_CALLBACK). |
REDIMeshShape.h |
New RED::MESH_FORMAT value: RED::MFT_HALF_FLOAT for the storage on 2 bytes floating point values.
Modification of the RED::IMeshShape::Polygon method with a better management of UV textures and handling of polygon with different winding rules (RED::POLYGON_WINDING_RULE). |
REDIPhysicalLightShape.h |
Added a new method RED::IPhysicalLightShape::SetIESValues that can be used to supply IES values to a light without requiring an IES file to be loaded. |
REDIResourceManager.h |
Added new low level OpenGL customization callbacks: RED::IResourceManager::SetOpenGLMaterialCallback, RED::IResourceManager::SetOpenGLBufferCallback and RED::IResourceManager::SetOpenGLViewpointCallback, corresponding accessors and callback prototypes. |
REDISoftRayContext.h |
Modified methods
REDISoftRenderingContext.h |
New methods
RED::ISoftRenderingContext::GetRayAdaptiveSamplingAllowedTime: Return the amount of time allowed to time based adaptive calculations.
RED::ISoftRenderingContext::GetBackgroundImagesIntensityScale: Return the background images intensity scaling factor.
REDITransformShape.h |
Added an option to preserve source IDs of shapes when calling RED::ITransformShape::BuildHLR. |
REDIViewpoint.h |
New RED::IViewpoint::GetRenderShaderParameters method for a direct access to camera render shader parameters. |
REDIViewpointRenderList.h |
New methods
RED::IViewpointRenderList::GetBackgroundImagesIntensityScale: Retrieve the intensity scaling of a background image.
RED::IViewpointRenderList::SetViewpointSoftMatrix, RED::IViewpointRenderList::GetViewpointSoftMatrix: Supply the camera matrix to RED::IViewpointRenderList::SetViewpointSoftImages for post-processing needs.
RED::IViewpointRenderList::GetInverseProjectionViewportMatrix: Return the VPV inverse matrix for the specified viewpoint.
Modified methods
RED::IViewpointRenderList::SetPixelFormat, RED::IViewpointRenderList::GetPixelFormat: Added a parameter to do the operation on a specific buffer in the case of multi-buffered VRLs.
RED::IViewpointRenderList::SetBackgroundImages: Added a parameter to change the intensity scale of a background image.
REDIWindow.h |
Modified methods
RED::IWindow::CreateVRL: Added an option flag to create a buffer with or without a z-buffer.
RED::IWindow::CreateMultiRenderTargetVRL: Added an option flag to create a buffer with or without a z-buffer. Added a per buffer format selection.
REDOptionList.h |
New options
RED::OPTIONS_REFRESH_INSTANCE_COUNTERS: Can be turned on to force the refresh of instance counter values without requiring to edit the scene graph.
RED::OPTIONS_RAY_ADAPTIVE_SAMPLING_ALLOWED_TIME: Used by ref bk_re_adaptive_sampling, to set adaptation based on time rather than on quality.
RED::OPTIONS_RAY_GI_ESTIMATOR_FULL_PATH: Can be used to increase the quality of the GI estimator in complex rendering situations.
REDPostProcess.h |
New methods
Glow threshold: RED::PostProcess::SetGlowThreshold and RED::PostProcess::GetGlowThreshold.
Depth line post process: RED::PostProcess::SetDepthLine and other configuration methods.
Vignette post process: RED::PostProcess::SetVignette and other configuration methods.
Lookup tables: RED::PostProcess::SetLUT and other configuration methods.
All CPU methods to compute multi-pass processing effects: for instance RED::PostProcess::ProcessGlowPass1 and other similar methods.
REDRenderShaderParameter.h |
New matrices parameters
New inverse matrices parameters
REDShaderString.h |
New RED::ShaderString::SmoothStep method. Equivalent to GLSL smoothstep function. |
REDStateShader.h |
Added a missing RED::StateShader::GetBlendingMode accessor. |