HOOPS Luminate 2024.5.0

Key Features

Here is a compiled list of the key features of the release:

  • New feature for macOS: RED_EXPAND_INDICES_USE_INDEXBUFFER. It allows the custom metal shader to receive an index buffer.

  • Package restructure, including several key file locations and name changes.

  • Update to the method of building samples.

New Features

A new feature request for metal shaders has been added to the MacOS Luminate package called RED_EXPAND_INDICES_USE_INDEXBUFFER. There are several things that can be accomplished with this new feature, however the feature’s main purpose is to draw lines with thickness on index lines.

Please see the new feature’s updated comments within the header file REDShaderString.h for more information. The header file locations have been moved this release due to package changes, and this is noted in the next section below.

Package Changes

There are several notable changes in the package structure. The package restructure contains several major changes. This includes changes regarding the header files, binaries and libraries, sample resources, and the materials catalog. The header file changes mentioned also include the relocation of the hoops_license file.

Please see the documentation here for more details on the package structure changes in detail.

Building Samples Method Update

The method of building samples has been modified moving forward. The legacy project files generated using the visual studio solution have been removed. The only supported method moving forward is by using the CMakeLists.txt file provided in the package, as seen in previous releases.

Documentation for utilizing CMake to build samples can be found here.